Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008



No overview generated for 'ModelBase.js'

Class Summary

License: LGPL as per:
$Id: ModelBase.js 3953 2008-03-31 10:25:24Z oterral $

// Ensure this object's dependancies are loaded.

 * Base Model class to be inherited by all Model objects and provdes methods
 * and properties common to all models.
 * Stores the XML document as the .doc property of the model.
 * Inherits from the Listener class so all models are also listener objects that
 * can call registered listeners.
 * @constructor
 * @base Listener
 * @author Cameron Shorter
 * @param modelNode   The model's XML object node from the configuration document.
 * @param parentModel The model object that this model belongs to.
function ModelBase(modelNode, parentModel) {
  // Inherit the Listener functions and parameters

  //models are loaded asynchronously by default; 
  this.async = true;   //change to false for sync loading
  this.contentType = "text/xml";

  this.modelNode = modelNode;
  var idAttr = modelNode.attributes.getNamedItem("id");
  if (idAttr) { = idAttr.nodeValue;
  } else {
    //auto generated unique ID assigned to this model = "MbModel_" + mbIds.getId();

   * Convenient access to Mapbuilder.getProperty
   * @param property property to get
   * @param default value to use if property is not set
   * @return the value for the property
  this.getProperty = function(property, defaultValue) {
    return Mapbuilder.getProperty(modelNode, property, defaultValue);

  //get the human readable title for the model
  this.title = this.getProperty("mb:title",;

  //set a debug property in config to see alerts for a particular model
  this.debug = Mapbuilder.parseBoolean(this.getProperty("mb:debug", false));

  * set the initial model URL in config.
  * the URL can also be passed in as a URL parameter by using the model ID 
  * as the parameter name (which takes precendence over the config file)
  if (window.cgiArgs[]) {  
    this.url = window.cgiArgs[];
  } else if (window[] && typeof window[] == "string") {  
    this.url = window[];
  } else if (modelNode.url) {  
    this.url = modelNode.url;
  } else {
    var defaultModel = modelNode.selectSingleNode("mb:defaultModelUrl");
    if (defaultModel) this.url = getNodeValue(defaultModel);

  //set the method property
  this.method = this.getProperty("mb:method", "get");

  //set the namespace property
  this.namespace = this.getProperty("mb:namespace");

  var templateAttr = modelNode.attributes.getNamedItem("template");
  if (templateAttr) {
    this.template = Mapbuilder.parseBoolean(templateAttr.nodeValue);

  //get the xpath to select nodes from the parent doc
  this.nodeSelectXpath = this.getProperty("mb:nodeSelectXpath");
   * Widgets can place configurations in a model. This is an associative
   * array with the widgetId of the widget that places its configuration
   * here as key.
  this.config = new Array();
   * Get the value of a node as selected by an XPath expression.1
   * @param objRef Reference to this node.
   * @param xpath XPath of the node to update.
   * @return value of the node or null if XPath does not find a node.
    if (!objRef.doc) return null; 
    if(node && node.firstChild){
      return getNodeValue(node);
      return null;

   * Update the value of a node within this model's XML document.
   * Triggers a refresh event from the model.
   * @param objRef Reference to this node.
   * @param xpath Xpath of the node to update.
   * @param value Node's new value.
   * @param refresh determines if the model should be refreshed (optional).
   * @return Returns false if Xpath does not find a node.
    if (refresh==null) refresh=true;
    var node=objRef.doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
      if (refresh) objRef.setParam("refresh");
      return true;
      return false;

   * Load a Model's document.  
   * This will only occur if the model.url property is set. 
   * Calling this method triggers several events:
   *   modelStatus - to indicate that the model state is changing
   *   newModel - to give widgets a chance to clear themselves before the doc is loaded
   *   loadModel - to indicate that the document is loaded successfully
   * @param objRef Pointer to the model object being loaded.
  this.loadModelDoc = function(objRef){

    if (objRef.url) {
      objRef.callListeners( "newModel" );

      if (objRef.contentType == "image") {
        //image models are set as a DOM image object
        objRef.doc = new Image();
        objRef.doc.src = objRef.url;
        //objRef.doc.onload = callback //TBD: for when image is loaded

      } else {
        //XML content type
        var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var sUri = objRef.url;
        if ( sUri.indexOf("http://")==0 || sUri.indexOf("https://")==0) {
          if (objRef.method.toLowerCase() == "get") {
            sUri = getProxyPlusUrl(sUri);
          } else {
            sUri = config.proxyUrl;
        //alert( "ModelBase:"+objRef.method + " to:"+ sUri+ " " + objRef.url)
       , sUri, objRef.async);
        if (objRef.method.toLowerCase() == "post") {
         xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
          if (xmlHttp.readyState==4) {
            if (xmlHttp.status >= 400) {   //http errors status start at 400
              var errorMsg = mbGetMessage("errorLoadingDocument", sUri, xmlHttp.statusText, xmlHttp.responseText);
            } else {
              //if ( null==xmlHttp.responseXML ) {
              //  alert( "null XML response:" + xmlHttp.responseText );
              //} else {
                // Problem with IE is that sometimes the XML files do not get loaded as XML for some reason (especially from disk)
                // So we need to deal with it here

                if( (xmlHttp.responseXML != null) && (xmlHttp.responseXML.root != null) && (xmlHttp.responseXML.root.children.length>0) ) {
                  objRef.doc = xmlHttp.responseXML;
                  if( Sarissa.getParseErrorText(objRef.doc) == Sarissa.PARSED_OK ) {
                  } else {
                    alert(mbGetMessage("parseError", Sarissa.getParseErrorText(objRef.doc)));

                if( xmlHttp.responseText != null ) {
                  // if that's the case, the xml file is in the responseText
                  // we have to load it manually 
                  objRef.doc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
                  objRef.doc.async = false;
                  objRef.doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString( xmlHttp.responseText.replace(/>\s+</g, "><"), "text/xml")
                  if( objRef.doc == null ) {
                    alert(mbGetMessage("documentParseError", Sarissa.getParseErrorText(objRef.doc)));
                    // debugger;
                  } else {
                    if( Sarissa.getParseErrorText(objRef.doc) == Sarissa.PARSED_OK ) {
                    } else {
                      alert(mbGetMessage("parseError", Sarissa.getParseErrorText(objRef.doc)));
                //if (>=0) {
                //  objRef.setParam("modelStatus",-1);
                //  alert("Exception:"+(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlHttp.responseText));
        var postData = objRef.postData || "";
        if (typeof postData == "object") {
          postData = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(postData);

        if (!objRef.async) {
          if (xmlHttp.status >= 400) {   //http errors status start at 400
            var errorMsg = mbGetMessage("errorLoadingDocument", sUri, xmlHttp.statusText, xmlHttp.responseText);
          } else {
            if ( null==xmlHttp.responseXML ) alert(mbGetMessage("nullXmlResponse", xmlHttp.responseText));
            objRef.doc = xmlHttp.responseXML;

        //objRef.doc.validateOnParse=false;  //IE6 SP2 parsing bug
  this.addListener("reloadModel",this.loadModelDoc, this);

   * Set the model's XML document using an XML object as a parameter.
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
   * @param newModel XML object to be inserted into the new model.
    if ((newModel == null) && objRef.url) {
      objRef.url = null;

   * Common steps to be carried out after all manner of model loading
   * Called to set the namespace for XPath selections and call the loadModel
   * listeners.
  this.finishLoading = function() {
    // the following two lines are needed for IE; set the namespace for selection
     if(! _SARISSA_IS_SAFARI){
      this.doc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
      if(this.namespace) Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces(this.doc, this.namespace);

      // Show the newly loaded XML document
      if(this.debug) mbDebugMessage(this, "Loading Model:"" "+(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this.doc));

   * Load XML for a model from an httpPayload object.  This will also handle
   * instantiating template models if they have the "template" attribute set.
   * To update model data, use:<br/>
   * httpPayload=new Object();<br/>
   * httpPayload.url="url" or null. If set to null, all dependant widgets
   *   will be removed from the display.<br/>
   * httpPayload.httpMethod="post" or "get"<br/>
   * httpPayload.postData=XML or null<br/>
   * @param objRef    Pointer to the model object being loaded.
   * @param httpPayload an object to fully specify the request to be made
  this.newRequest = function(objRef, httpPayload){
    var model = objRef;
    // if the targetModel is a template model, then create new model object and
    // assign it an id
    if (objRef.template) {
      var parentNode = objRef.modelNode.parentNode;
      if(_SARISSA_IS_IE) {
        var newConfigNode = parentNode.appendChild(modelNode.cloneNode(true));
      else {
        var newConfigNode = parentNode.appendChild(objRef.modelNode.ownerDocument.importNode(objRef.modelNode,true));
      newConfigNode.removeAttribute("id");  //this will get created automatically
      //set defaultModelUrl config properties
      model = objRef.createObject(newConfigNode);
      if (!objRef.templates) objRef.templates = new Array();

    //set the payload in the model and issue the request
    model.url = httpPayload.url;
    if (!model.url) model.doc=null;
    model.method = httpPayload.method;
    model.postData = httpPayload.postData;
   * deletes all template models and clears their widgets
  this.deleteTemplates = function() {
    if (this.templates) {
      var model;
      while( model=this.templates.pop() ) {
        var parentNode = this.modelNode.parentNode;
   * save the model by posting it to the serializeUrl, which is defined as a 
   * property of config.
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
  this.saveModel = function(objRef) {
    if (config.serializeUrl) {
      var response = postGetLoad(config.serializeUrl, objRef.doc ,"text/xml","","");
       if(! _SARISSA_IS_SAFARI){
      response.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
      Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces(response, "xmlns:xlink=''");
      var onlineResource = response.selectSingleNode("//OnlineResource");
      var fileUrl = onlineResource.attributes.getNamedItem("xlink:href").nodeValue;
      objRef.setParam("modelSaved", fileUrl);
    } else {

   * Creates all mapbuilder JavaScript objects based on the Object nodes defined
   * in the configuration file.
   * A reference to the created model is stored as a property of the config.objects
   * property using the model's ID; you can always get a reference to a mapbuilder
   * object as: "config.objects.objectId"
   * @param configNode The node from config for the model to be created
  this.createObject = function(configNode) {
    var objectType = configNode.nodeName;
    //var evalStr = "new " + objectType + "(configNode,this);";
    //var newObject = eval( evalStr );
    //hint from Alex Russel so we can compress it

    // If model/tool/widget doesn't exist, exit
    if (!window[objectType]) {
      alert(mbGetMessage("errorCreatingObject", objectType));
      return false;

    var newObject = new window[objectType](configNode, this);
    if (newObject) {
      config.objects[] = newObject;
      return newObject;
    } else {
      alert(mbGetMessage("errorCreatingObject", objectType));

   * Creates all the mapbuilder objects from the config file as selected by the
   * XPath value passed in.
   * @param objectXpath The XPath for the set of nodes being created
  this.loadObjects = function(objectXpath) {
    //loop through all nodes selected from config
    var configObjects = this.modelNode.selectNodes( objectXpath );
    for (var i=0; i<configObjects.length; i++ ) {
    if(configObjects[i].nodeName != "#text" && configObjects[i].nodeName != "#comment" )
      this.createObject( configObjects[i]);

   * Initialization of all javascript model, widget and tool objects for this model. 
   * Calling this method triggers an init event for this model.
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
  this.parseConfig = function(objRef) {

   * Listener registered with the parent model to call refresh listeners when 
   * the model document is loaded
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
  this.refresh = function(objRef) {
  this.addListener("loadModel",this.refresh, this);

   * Listener registered with the parent model to call init listeners when 
   * the parent model is init'ed
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
  this.init = function(objRef) {

   * Listener registered with the parent model to remove the doc and url 
   * of child models whenever the parent is reloaded.
   * @param objRef Pointer to this object.
  this.clearModel = function(objRef) {

  //don't load in models and widgets if this is the config doc, 
  //defer that to an explcit config.init() call in mapbuilder.js
  if (parentModel) {
    this.parentModel = parentModel;
    this.parentModel.addListener("init",this.init, this);
    this.parentModel.addListener("loadModel",this.loadModelDoc, this);
    this.parentModel.addListener("newModel", this.clearModel, this);

//ModelBase.prototype.httpStatusMsg = ['uninitialized','loading','loaded','interactive','completed'];
var httpStatusMsg = ['uninitialized','loading','loaded','interactive','completed'];

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008