Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008



No overview generated for 'ShowDistance.js'

Class Summary

Author: imke doerge AT
License: LGPL as per:
$Id: ShowDistance.js 3242 2007-09-11 11:15:21Z gjvoosten $

// Ensure this object's dependancies are loaded.

 * Widget to display the measured distance when it measurement is enabled.
 * @constructor
 * @base WidgetBaseXSL
 * @param widgetNode This widget's object node from the configuration document.
 * @param model The model that this widget is a view of.

function ShowDistance(widgetNode, model) {
  WidgetBaseXSL.apply(this,new Array(widgetNode, model));
	// outputs the totalDistance value to the form element
	this.showDistance = function(objRef) {
		var distForm = document.getElementById(objRef.formName);   
		var totalDistance = objRef.model.values.showDistance;
		if (totalDistance == null) {
		  // hide result form
		  objRef.getNode().style.display = 'none';
		} else {
		  objRef.getNode().style.display = '';
		  // fill new distance value into form
  		if (totalDistance > 1000.000) { // >1000m = 1.000km
        if (totalDistance > 1000000.000) outputDistance = Math.round(totalDistance/1000)+"  km"; // >1000km
        else outputDistance = Math.round(totalDistance/100)/10+"  km";
      else if (totalDistance > 0) { outputDistance = Math.round(totalDistance)+"  m"; }
      else outputDistance = '';
      if (distForm) {
        distForm.distance.value = outputDistance;

	//add a showDistance Listener to the modal
	this.model.addListener("showDistance", this.showDistance, this);

  //set some properties for the form output
	this.formName = "ShowDistance_" + mbIds.getId();
	this.stylesheet.setParameter("formName", this.formName);  

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008