Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008



No overview generated for 'Util.js'

Class Summary

Method Summary
static void addEvent(elementObject, eventName, functionObject)
           attach an event to an element.
static void debug(output)
           write debugging info to a textbox onscreen.
static Object getAbsPos(elt,which)
           TBD: Comment me.
static Object getAbsX(elt)
static Object getAbsY(elt)
           get the absolute position of HTML element NS4, IE4/5 & NS6, even if it's in a table.
static Object getArgs()
           parse comma-separated name=value argument pairs from the query string of the URL; the function stores name=value pairs in properties of an object and returns that object.
static Object getGeoCoordX(context, xCooord)
           convert screen x coordinate to geographic coordinate.
static Object getGeoCoordY(yCoord)
           convert screen coordinate to screen coordinate.
static Object getNodeValue(sResult)
           getNodevalue return value of node it as OpenLayers style
static Object getPageX(e)
           get the absolute position of a user event (e.g., a mousedown).
static Object getPageY(e)
           get the absolute position of a user event (e.g., a mousedown).
static Object getProxyPlusUrl(url)
           If URL is local, then return URL unchanged, else return URL of http://proxy?url=URL , or null if proxy not defined.
static Object getScreenX(context, xCoord)
           convert geographic x coordinate to screen coordinate.
static Object getScreenY(context, yCoord)
           convert geographic y coordinate to screen coordinate.
static void handleEventWithObject(evt)
           handle event attached to an object.
static void loadCss(cssFileName)
           Dynamically loads a stylesheet into the html page.
static Object makeElt(type)
           create an element and append it to the document body element.
static void mbDebugMessage(object, message)
           Show a message if the debug property of the object has been set.
static Object mbFormatMessage(messageFormat)
           Format a message with the extra arguments.
static Object mbGetMessage(messageKey)
           Get a message from the widgetText file and format it if extra arguments are passed.
static Object openPopup(url, width, height)
           open a popup window, adapted from
static Object postGetLoad(sUri, docToSend, contentType , dir, fileName)
           A more flexible interface for loading docs that allows POST et GET param for save model
static Object postLoad(sUri, docToSend, contentType )
           A more flexible interface for loading docs that allows POST and async loading
static Object returnTarget(evt)
           determine and return the target element of an event.
static Object sld2OlStyle(node)
           extract a style from a SLD node of an XML doc and return it as OpenLayers style
static Object sld2UrlParam(node)
           extract a style from a SLD node of an XML doc and return it as url parameter for a WMS request

License:      LGPL as per:
Dependancies: Sarissa

$Id: Util.js 3961 2008-04-01 12:45:02Z ahocevar $

// some basic browser detection
var MB_IS_MOZ = (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument)?true:false;

Transform an XML document using the provided XSL and use the results to build
a web page.
@param xslUrl The URL of an XSL stylesheet.
@author Cameron Shorter - Cameron AT
function XslProcessor(xslUrl,docNSUri) {
  // override Sarissa configurations to prefer MSXML3, because
  // MSXML6 does not work well with IE6SP2
  if (!MB_IS_MOZ) {
    _SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"], [["SELECT_NODES", 2],["TRANSFORM_NODE", 2]]);
    _SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0"], [["XMLHTTP", 4]]);
    _SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.6.0"]);
    _SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XSLTemplate.3.0", "MSXML2.XSLTemplate.6.0"], [["XSLTPROC", 2]]);
  // get the stylesheet document
  this.xslDom = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
  this.xslDom.async = false;
  // fix some issues in IE
  if (!MB_IS_MOZ) {
    try {
      // IE6 SP2 parsing bug
      // Prevent "Access denied" with external documents
      this.xslDom.setProperty("AllowDocumentFunction", true);
      this.xslDom.resolveExternals = true;
    catch (e) {
      // do nothing here, we won't get far anyway.
  if(typeof(inlineXSL)!="undefined") {
    xmlString = inlineXSL[_1];
    xmlString = xmlString.replace(/DOUBLE_QUOTE/g,"\"");
    this.xslDom = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");
  else {
        var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", xslUrl, false);
        this.xslDom = xmlhttp.responseXML;
  if ( Sarissa.getParseErrorText(this.xslDom) != Sarissa.PARSED_OK )
    alert(mbGetMessage("errorLoadingStylesheet", xslUrl));

  this.processor = new XSLTProcessor();
  this.docNSUri = docNSUri;

   * Transforms XML in the provided xml node according to this XSL.
   * @param xmlNode The XML node to be transformed.
   * @return The transformed String.
  this.transformNodeToString = function(xmlNode) {
    try {
      // transform and build a web page with result
      //MAP-427 Quick hack to transform an XMLElement to XMLDocument in IE
      if (_SARISSA_IS_IE){
	      var str = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlNode);
	      var xmlNode = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(str, "text/xml");
      var newDoc = this.transformNodeToObject(xmlNode);
      var s = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(newDoc);
      	s =  s.replace(/.*\?\>/,"");//hack for opera to delete <?xml ... ?>
      return s;
    } catch(e){
      alert(mbGetMessage("exceptionTransformingDoc", this.xslUrl));
      alert("XSL="+(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this.xslDom));
      alert("XML="+(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlNode));

   * Transforms XML in the provided xml node according to this XSL.
   * @param xmlNode The XML node to be transformed.
   * @return a DOM document object
  this.transformNodeToObject=function(xmlNode) {
      var oResult = new DOMParser().parseFromString("<xsltresult></xsltresult>", "text/xml");
      var newFragment = this.processor.transformToFragment(xmlNode, oResult);
      var str = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(newFragment);
       var newFragment = this.processor.transformToDocument(xmlNode);
    return newFragment;

   * Set XSL parameter.
  this.setParameter=function(paramName, paramValue, nsUri) {
    //if ( typeof paramValue == "string" || typeof paramValue == "number") paramValue="'"+paramValue+"'";
    if (!paramValue) {
      //alert("null value for stylesheet param:"+paramName+":"+paramValue);
    this.processor.setParameter( null, paramName, paramValue);

 * A more flexible interface for loading docs that allows POST and async loading
function postLoad(sUri, docToSend, contentType ) {
   var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
   if ( sUri.indexOf("http://")==0 || sUri.indexOf("https://")==0 ) {"POST", config.proxyUrl, false);
     xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("serverUrl",sUri);//escape(sUri).replace(/\+/g, '%2C').replace(/\"/g,'%22').replace(/\'/g, '%27'));
   } else {"POST", sUri, false);
   if (contentType) xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("content-type",contentType);
   xmlHttp.send( docToSend );
   if (_SARISSA_IS_IE) {
    xmlHttp.status = xmlHttp.Status;
    xmlHttp.statusText = xmlHttp.StatusText;
    xmlHttp.responseText = xmlHttp.ResponseText;
   if (xmlHttp.status >= 400) {   //http errors status start at 400
      alert(mbGetMessage("errorLoadingDocument", sUri, xmlHttp.statusText, xmlHttp.responseText));
      var outDoc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
      outDoc.parseError = -1;
      return outDoc;
   } else {
     if ( null==xmlHttp.responseXML ) alert(mbGetMessage("nullXmlResponse", xmlHttp.responseText));
     return xmlHttp.responseXML;

 * A more flexible interface for loading docs that allows POST et GET param for save model

function postGetLoad(sUri, docToSend, contentType , dir, fileName) {

   var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
   var appendChar = sUri.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&";
   if(dir && fileName)
   else if(dir)
   else if(fileName)
   if ( sUri.indexOf("http://")==0 || sUri.indexOf("https://")==0 )
   {"POST", config.proxyUrl, false);       
   {"POST", sUri, false);
   if (contentType) xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("content-type",contentType);
   xmlHttp.send( docToSend );

   if (xmlHttp.status >= 400)
   {   //http errors status start at 400
        alert(mbGetMessage("errorLoadingDocument", sUri, xmlHttp.statusText, xmlHttp.responseText));
        var outDoc = Sarissa.getDomDocument();
        outDoc.parseError = -1;
        return outDoc;
       if ( null==xmlHttp.responseXML ) alert(mbGetMessage("nullXmlResponse", xmlHttp.responseText));
       return xmlHttp.responseXML;

   * If URL is local, then return URL unchanged,
   * else return URL of http://proxy?url=URL , or null if proxy not defined.
   * @param url Url of the file to access.
   * @return Url of the proxy and service in the form http://host/proxy?url=service
function getProxyPlusUrl(url) {
  if ( url.indexOf("http://")==0 || url.indexOf("https://")==0 ) {
    if ( config.proxyUrl ) {
      url=config.proxyUrl+"?url="+escape(url).replace(/\+/g, '%2C').replace(/\"/g,'%22').replace(/\'/g, '%27');
    } else {
      alert(mbGetMessage("unableToLoadDoc", url));
  return url;

   * Browser independant version of createElementNS()
   * @param doc the owner document for the new element
   * @param name for the new element
   * @param ns the URL for the namespace (without a prefix)
   * @return element in the document with the specified namespace
function createElementWithNS(doc,name,nsUri) {
  if (_SARISSA_IS_IE) {
    return doc.createNode(1, name, nsUri);
  } else {
    return doc.createElementNS(nsUri,name);

 * Create a unique Id which can be used for classes to link themselves to HTML
 * Ids.
 * @constructor
function UniqueId(){

  /** Return a numeric unique Id. */
  this.getId=function() {
    return this.lastId;
//use this global object to generate a unique ID via the getId function
var mbIds = new UniqueId();

function setISODate(isoDateStr) {
  var parts = isoDateStr.match(/(\d{4})-?(\d{2})?-?(\d{2})?T?(\d{2})?:?(\d{2})?:?(\d{2})?\.?(\d{0,3})?(Z)?/);
  var res = null;
  for (var i=1;i<parts.length;++i){
    if (!parts[i]) {
      parts[i] = (i==3)?1:0; //months start with day number 1, not 0
      if (!res) res = i;
  var isoDate = new Date();
  if (!res) res = 6;
  isoDate.res = res;
  return isoDate;

function getISODate(isoDate) {
  var res = isoDate.res?isoDate.res:6;
  var dateStr = "";
  dateStr += res>=1?isoDate.getFullYear():"";
  dateStr += res>=2?"-"+leadingZeros(isoDate.getMonth()+1,2):"";
  dateStr += res>=3?"-"+leadingZeros(isoDate.getDate(),2):"";
  dateStr += res>=4?"T"+leadingZeros(isoDate.getHours(),2):"";
  dateStr += res>=5?":"+leadingZeros(isoDate.getMinutes(),2):"";
  dateStr += res>=6?":"+leadingZeros(isoDate.getSeconds(),2):"";
  return dateStr;

function leadingZeros(num,digits) {
  var intNum = parseInt(num,10);
  var base = Math.pow(10,digits);
  if (intNum<base) intNum += base;
  return intNum.toString().substr(1);

// Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher.
// this method should be set as an IMG onload handler for PNG map layers
// thanks to Caroklyn Cole for this fix.  For an explanation see:
// Updated 02-March-2004
// modified to the images as visible after this has been called.
// Add oldImage in parameter
function fixPNG(myImage,myId,oldImage) {
  if (_SARISSA_IS_IE) {
    // PL - BRGM
    //opacity of the image
    if(oldImage) {
      var valIEOpacity='opacity=',0)+8,')',0));
      if('opacity=',0) ==-1){
        valIEOpacity = null;
       var _opacity= (valIEOpacity)?valIEOpacity/100:-1;
  // END
    var imgID = "id='" + myId + "' ";
    var imgClass = (myImage.className) ? "class='" + myImage.className + "' " : ""
    var imgTitle = (myImage.title) ? "title='" + myImage.title + "' " : "title='" + myImage.alt + "' "
    var imgStyle = "display:inline-block;" +
    var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle

    strNewHTML += " style=\"" + "width:" + myImage.width + "px; height:" + myImage.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";"
    // store the opacity in the style even not used by IE
    if (_opacity!=-1) strNewHTML += "opacity=" + _opacity + ";" ;
    // Escape some chars (don't use encode() that would escape %xx previously used in XSL)
    var src = myImage.src;
    src = src.replace(/\(/g,'%28');
    src = src.replace(/\)/g,'%29');
    src = src.replace(/'/g,'%27');
    // AlphaImageLoader converts '%23' in src to '#' and cuts URL on '#'
    src = src.replace(/%23/g,'%2523');
    strNewHTML += "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader";
    strNewHTML += "(src=\'" + src + "\', sizingMethod='scale')";

    // PL - BRGM
    // add the opacity
    if (oldImage && _opacity!=-1) strNewHTML +=  " alpha(opacity=" + (_opacity * 100) + ")";
    strNewHTML +="; \"></span>" ;
  // END PL - BRGM
    //myImage.outerHTML = strNewHTML;
    return strNewHTML;

 * get the absolute position of HTML element NS4, IE4/5 & NS6, even if it's in a table.
 * @param element The HTML element.
 * @return Top left X position.
function getAbsX(elt) {
        return (elt.x) ? elt.x : getAbsPos(elt,"Left") + 2;

 * get the absolute position of HTML element NS4, IE4/5 & NS6, even if it's in a table.
 * @param element The HTML element.
 * @return Top left Y position.
function getAbsY(elt) {
        return (elt.y) ? elt.y : getAbsPos(elt,"Top") + 2;

 * TBD: Comment me.
 * @param elt TBD
 * @param which TBD
function getAbsPos(elt,which) {
 iPos = 0;
 while (elt != null) {
        iPos += elt["offset" + which];
        elt = elt.offsetParent;
 return iPos;

 * get the absolute position of a user event (e.g., a mousedown).
 * @param e The user event.
 * @return Left or top position.
function getPageX(e){
  var posx = 0;
  if (!e) var e = window.event;
  if (e.pageX) {
    posx = e.pageX;
  else if (e.clientX) {
   posx = e.clientX;
  if (document.body && document.body.scrollLeft){
    posx += document.body.scrollLeft;
  else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft){
    posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
  return posx;

 * get the absolute position of a user event (e.g., a mousedown).
 * @param e The user event.
 * @return Left or top position.
function getPageY(e){
  var posy = 0;
  if (!e) var e = window.event;
  if (e.pageY) {
    posy = e.pageY;
  else if (e.clientY) {
    posy = e.clientY;
  if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop){
    posy += document.body.scrollTop;
  else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){
    posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  return posy;

 * parse comma-separated name=value argument pairs from the query string of the URL; the function stores name=value pairs in properties of an object and returns that object.
 * @return args Array of arguments passed to page, in form args[argname] = value.
function getArgs(){
  var args = new Object();
  var query =;
  var pairs = query.split("&");
  for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
    var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('=');
    if (pos == -1) continue;
    var argname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos);
    var value = pairs[i].substring(pos+1);
    args[argname] = unescape(value.replace(/\+/g, " "));
  return args;
//initialize the array once
window.cgiArgs = getArgs();

 * convert geographic x coordinate to screen coordinate.
 * @param context The context object.
 * @param xCoord The geographic x coordinate to be converted.
 * @return x the converted x coordinate.
function getScreenX(context, xCoord){
  var xfac = (width/(bbox[2]-bbox[0]));
  return x;

 * convert geographic y coordinate to screen coordinate.
 * @param context The context object.
 * @param yCoord The geographic x coordinate to be converted.
 * @return y the converted x coordinate.
function getScreenY(context, yCoord){
  var bbox=context.getBoundingBox();
  var height=context.getWindowHeight();
  var yfac = (heighteight/(bbox[3]-bbox[1]));
  var y=height-(yfac*(pt.y-bbox[1]));
  return y;

 * convert screen x coordinate to geographic coordinate.
 * @param context The context object.
 * @param xCoord The screen x coordinate to be converted.
 * @return x the converted x coordinate.
function getGeoCoordX(context, xCooord) {
  var bbox=context.getBoundingBox();
  var width=context.getWindowWidth();
  var xfac = ((bbox[2]-bbox[0]) / width);
  var x=bbox[0] + xfac*(xCoord);
  return x;

 * convert screen coordinate to screen coordinate.
 * @param context The context object.
 * @param yCoord The geographic y coordinate to be converted.
 * @return y the converted y coordinate.
function getGeoCoordY(yCoord){
  var bbox=context.getBoundingBox();
  var height=context.getWindowHeight();
  var yfac = ((bbox[3]-bbox[1]) / height);
  var y=bbox[1] + yfac*(height-yCoord);
  return y;

 * create an element and append it to the document body element.
 * @param type The type of element to be created.
 * @return node The node created and appended.
function makeElt(type) {
  var node=document.createElement(type);
  return node;

// variable needed to determine if a popup window is currently open
var newWindow = '';
 * open a popup window, adapted from
 * @param url The url of the page to be opened.
 * @param width Width of the popup window, in pixels.
 * @param height Height of the popup window, in pixels.
function openPopup(url, width, height) {
  if(width == null) {
    width = 300;
  if(height == null) {
    height = 200;
  if (!newWindow.closed && newWindow.location) {
    newWindow.location.href = url;
  else {,'name','height=' + height + ',width=' + width);
    if (!newWindow.opener) newwindow.opener = self;
  if (window.focus) {newWindow.focus()}
  return false;

 * write debugging info to a textbox onscreen.
 * @param output String to be output.
function debug(output){

 * determine and return the target element of an event.
 * @param evt The event.
 * @return elt The element.
function returnTarget(evt){
  evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : "");
  var elt=null;
  else if(evt.srcElement){
  return elt;

 * attach an event to an element.
 * @param elementObject The object.
 * @param eventName The name of the event.
 * @param functionObject The function to be called.
function addEvent(elementObject, eventName, functionObject) {
  if(document.addEventListener) {
    elementObject.addEventListener(eventName, functionObject, false);
  else if(document.attachEvent) {
    elementObject.attachEvent("on" + eventName, functionObject);

 * handle event attached to an object.
 * @param evt The event.
function handleEventWithObject(evt){
  var elt = returnTarget(evt);
  var obj = elt.ownerObj;
  if (obj!=null) obj.handleEvent(evt);

 * Show a message if the debug property of the object has been set.
 * @param object  the object that possibly has the debug property set
 * @param message the message to show
function mbDebugMessage(object, message)
  if (object && object.debug) {

 * Get a message from the <code>widgetText</code> file and format it if extra
 * arguments are passed.
 * @param messageKey       the message key within the message node
 * @param varArgs          optional extra parameters for formatting the message
 * @return                 <code>"NoMsgsFound"</code> if the <code>widgetText</code> file is not found,<br/>
 *                         the <code>messageKey</code> if the message key was not found within the message node,<br/>
 *                         the (formatted) message if it was found
function mbGetMessage(messageKey)
  var message = "NoMsgsFound";
  if (config.widgetText) {
    var msgKeyXpath = "/mb:WidgetText/mb:messages/mb:" + messageKey;
    var msgKeyNodes = config.widgetText.selectNodes(msgKeyXpath);
    if (!msgKeyNodes || msgKeyNodes.length == 0) {
      // Message not found, fall back to message key
      message = messageKey;
    else {
      // Message found; pick last one so user can override messages
      message = getNodeValue(msgKeyNodes.item(msgKeyNodes.length-1));
      if (arguments[mbGetMessage.length]) {
        // Extra arguments, format message
        var varArgs = [], mbGetMessage.length);
        message = mbFormatMessage.apply(this, varArgs);
  return message;

 * Format a message with the extra arguments. <br/>
 * E.g. if called as: <code>mbFormatMessage("{1} is {0} {2}, {1}", "a good", "this", "test")</code><br/>
 * the formatted message returned is: <code>"this is a good test, this"</code>
 * @param messageFormat the message format string
 * @param varArgs       optional extra parameters for formatting the message
 * @return              the formatted message
function mbFormatMessage(messageFormat)
  var message = messageFormat;
  var varArgs = [], mbFormatMessage.length);
  for (var i=0; i<varArgs.length; i++) {
    var parm = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "g");
    message = message.replace(parm, varArgs[i]);
  return message;

 * extract a style from a SLD node of an XML doc and return
 * it as url parameter for a WMS request
 * @param node XML node containing the styled layer descriptor
 * @return WMS-compliant SLD URL parameters as array
function sld2UrlParam(node) {
  var params=new Array();
  if (node) {
    var sld = node.selectSingleNode("wmc:SLD");
    var name = node.selectSingleNode("wmc:Name");
    if(sld) {
      if(sld.selectSingleNode("wmc:OnlineResource")) {	
      } else if(sld.selectSingleNode("wmc:FeatureTypeStyle")) {
        params.sld=(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(sld.selectSingleNode("wmc:FeatureTypeStyle"));
      } else if(sld.selectSingleNode("wmc:StyledLayerDescriptor")) { 
        params.sld_body=(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(sld.selectSingleNode("wmc:StyledLayerDescriptor"));    		
    } else if(name) {
      params.styles = getNodeValue(name) || "";	
  return params;

 * extract a style from a SLD node of an XML doc and return
 * it as OpenLayers style
 * @param objRef reference to the map widget that will use the style
 * @param node XML node containing the styled layer descriptor
 * @return OpenLayers style object
function sld2OlStyle(node) {
  // OpenLayers SLD parsing
  if (node) {
    var ruleNode = node.selectSingleNode("wmc:SLD/sld:FeatureTypeStyle");
    if (ruleNode) {
      var sld = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(ruleNode);
      var search = /<([^:]*:?)StyledLayerDescriptor/;
      if (!search.test(sld)) {
      	sld = sld.replace(/<([^:]*:?)FeatureTypeStyle([^>]*)>(.*)$/,
    var styles = new OpenLayers.Format.SLD().read(sld);
    if (styles) {
      return styles.namedLayers["sld"].userStyles[0];
  // fallback to native SLD parsing for older OwsContext docs
  // sld-conform default style
  var defaultStyle = {
            fillColor: "#808080",
            fillOpacity: 1,
            strokeColor: "#000000",
            strokeOpacity: 1,
            strokeWidth: 1,
            pointRadius: 6};
  var style1=OpenLayers.Util.extend(defaultStyle,["default"]);
  var value;
  var styleSet=false;

  if (node) {
    } else {
      // opacity eg. for externalGraphic
      if (value){
  return style1;

 * Dynamically loads a stylesheet into the html page.
 * @param cssFileName name of the file to load, relative to config.skinDir
function loadCss(cssFileName) {
  // queue the request if we do not know the skinDir yet
  if (typeof config == "undefined" || typeof config.skinDir != "string") {
    if (!mapbuilder.cssToLoad) {
      mapbuilder.cssToLoad = [];
  var id = cssFileName.match(/[^\/]*$/).toString().replace(/./, '_');
  if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
    var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
    cssNode.setAttribute('id', id);
    cssNode.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
    cssNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
    cssNode.setAttribute('href', config.skinDir+'/'+cssFileName);

 * getNodevalue return value of node
 * it as OpenLayers style
 * @param node 
 * @return return node's value
function getNodeValue(sResult){
  if(sResult.nodeType == 1) return sResult.firstChild ? sResult.firstChild.nodeValue : "";
  if(sResult.nodeType < 5) return sResult.nodeValue;
  return sResult;

 * Convenience method that is used to parse dom nodes.
 * @param domNode node to find the property in
 * @param propertyName string of the property name (including namespace prefix)
 * @param defaultValue value to return if property is not found (null by default)
 * @return the property value
Mapbuilder.getProperty = function(domNode, propertyName, defaultValue) {
  if (typeof defaultValue == "undefined") {
    defaultValue = null;
  var property = domNode.selectSingleNode(propertyName);
  return property ? getNodeValue(property) : defaultValue;

 * Convenience method to parse a string or number as a boolean value
 * @param value string (true/false) or number (1/0)
 * @return boolean value, default false
Mapbuilder.parseBoolean = function(value) {
  var result = false;
  if (!value) {
    result = false;
  } else if (value == 0) {
    result = false;
  } else if (value == 1) {
      result = true;
  } else if (value.match(/true/i)) {
    result = true;
  } else if (value.match(/false/i)){
    return false;
  return result;

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008