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Metacat Apache Configuration
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If you are going to run Tomcat behind the Apache web server, you have some additional setup to perform. One of the reasons for recommending the Ubuntu Linux O/S is its ease of setup. This becomes abundantly clear when configuring Apache. We will address Ubuntu/Debian configurations separately from all other configurations.
If you are installing on an Ubuntu/Debian system, and you installed Apache using apt-get, the Metacat code will have helper files that can be dropped into directories to configure Apache. Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, these helper files will be in one of two locations:
We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as <metacat_helper_dir>
We will refer to the directory where Apache is installed as <apache_install_dir>
Apache uses a module called Mod JK to talk to Tomcat applications. If you haven't done so already, you can install it by typing:
The helper files that configure the interface between Apache and Tomcat are jk.conf and workers.properties. To install these files:
Disabling and re-enabling the Apache Mod JK module will pick up the new changes:
Next, Apache needs to know about the Metacat site. The helper file named "knb" has rules that tell Apache which traffic to route to Metacat. Set up the knb (Metacat) site by dropping the knb file into the sites-available directory and running the a2ensite to enable the site:
If you want to run an optional LSID server along with the Metacat server, set up and enable the authority service site configurations by typing:
Reload apache to bring in changes by typing:
If you are running on an O/S other than Ubuntu/Debian or you installed the Apache source or binary, you will need to manually edit the Apache configuration file.
We will refer to the directory where Apache is installed as <apache_install_dir>
You should configure the log location and level for Mod JK. If you do not already have a section like this, you should add it.
You can set the log location to any place you like
The following section configures apache to talk to route traffic to the Metacat application.
Some notes:
You will need to drop a file named "workers.proerpties" file into your Apache configuration directory, and edit the file to make sure all properties are correct. Metacat provides a base workers.properties file for you to use. Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the workers.properties files will be in one of two locations:
Copy the workers.properties file into:
<apache_install_dir>/conf/Edit the workers.properties file and make sure the following properties are set correctly:
If you want to run an optional LSID server along with the Metacat server, add the following lines to the VirtualHost section you configured above:
Restart apache to bring in changes by typing: