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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.LinkInfo


public class LinkInfo
extends Object
Provides information needed to link two tables; not for general use.

LinkInfo contains contains the information needed to link two tables: the columns in each key, whether to generate the key, and which key appears in which table. LinkInfo structures occur in RelatedClassMaps and PropertyMaps to link the class table to the related class table or property table. They also occur in RootClassMaps, where only the child key information is used.

"Parent" and "child" refer to the relationship between the structures in the XML document, not the relationship between two tables in the database. In a class / property relationship, such as between an element type-as-class and an element type-as-property, PCDATA, or attribute, the class is always the parent. In a class / class relationship, such as that between two element types-as-classes and mapped by a ClassMap and its subordinate RelatedClassMaps, the class referred to in the ClassMap is always the parent and the class referred to in the RelatedClassMap is always the child.

Note that the parent / child relationship is independent of where the candidate key is located. That is, it could be in the table of the parent or the child. Which table it is in is stated by the parentKeyIsCandidate member variable.

Variable Index

 o childKey
Columns in the child key.
 o generateKey
Whether the candidate key is to be generated.
 o parentKey
Columns in the parent key.
 o parentKeyIsCandidate
Whether the parent key is the candidate key.

Constructor Index

 o LinkInfo()


 o parentKey
 public Column parentKey[]
Columns in the parent key.

 o childKey
 public Column childKey[]
Columns in the child key.

 o generateKey
 public boolean generateKey
Whether the candidate key is to be generated.

 o parentKeyIsCandidate
 public boolean parentKeyIsCandidate
Whether the parent key is the candidate key.


 o LinkInfo
 public LinkInfo()

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