Installing for Apache/PHP

You should first have your web server installed and have PHP enabled if you intend to use the server side scripts. The Apache web server is one that will work for this purpose. Please refer to it's installation instructions to install and configure it.

Download the .zip archive and extract all files to a web accesible directory which is usually configured as /htdocs. Installation details for other web servers may vary.

The required server side scripts are automatically available as PHP scripts and the path to them configured in /mapbuilder/lib/mapbuilderConfig.xml. By default, these are: /mapbuilder/server/proxy/proxy.php and /mapbuilder/server/proxy/serializer.php for the serializeUrl script. If you install Mpabuilder using a different directory name you will have to adjust these paths manually.

Other aspects of the Apache/PHP setup:

Server logging is not yet provided in this environment.
File save directory:
The file save directory is where files are written to disk by the serialize script. This directory has to be writable by the web user and it is up to the application to purge it. The location of the directory is configured in the serialzer script at mapbuilder/server/php/serialzer.php as the $outputDir variable and defaults to /mapbuilder/temp.

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