Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008



No overview generated for 'Context.js'

Class Summary

License: LGPL as per:
$Id: Context.js 3887 2008-02-27 18:18:53Z ahocevar $

// Ensure this object's dependancies are loaded.

 * Stores a Web Map Context (WMC) document as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium
 * ( and extensions the the WMC.
 * Listeners supported by this model:
 * "refresh" called when window parameters (width/height, bbox) are changed
 * "hidden" called when visibilty of a layer is changed
 * @constructor
 * @base ModelBase
 * @author Cameron Shorter
 * @param modelNode Pointer to the xml node for this model from the config file.
 * @param parent    The parent model for the object.
function Context(modelNode, parent) {
  // Inherit the ModelBase functions and parameters
  ModelBase.apply(this, new Array(modelNode, parent));

  this.namespace = "xmlns:mb='' xmlns:wmc='' xmlns:xsl=''";

   * Change a Layer's visibility.
   * @param layerId  The name of the layer that is to be changed
   * @param hidden     String with the value to be set; 1=hidden, 0=visible.
  this.setHidden=function(layerId, hidden){
    // Set the hidden attribute in the Context
    var hiddenValue = "0";
    if (hidden) hiddenValue = "1";

    var layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
    if (layer) layer.setAttribute("hidden", hiddenValue);
    // Call the listeners
    this.callListeners("hidden", layerId);

   * Get the layer's visiblity attribute value.
   * @param layerId  The name of the layer that is to be changed
   * @return hidden  String with the value; 1=hidden, 0=visible.
    var hidden=1;
    var layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
    if (layer) hidden = layer.getAttribute("hidden");
    return hidden;

   * Get the BoundingBox value from the Context document.
   * @return BoundingBox array with the sequence (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax).
  this.getBoundingBox=function() {
    var bbox = new Array();
    // Extract BoundingBox from the context
    var boundingBox=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:BoundingBox");
    return bbox;

   * Set the BoundingBox element and call the refresh listeners
   * @param boundingBox array in the sequence (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
  this.setBoundingBox=function(boundingBox) {
    // Set BoundingBox in context
    var bbox=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:BoundingBox");
    bbox.setAttribute("minx", boundingBox[0]);
    bbox.setAttribute("miny", boundingBox[1]);
    bbox.setAttribute("maxx", boundingBox[2]);
    bbox.setAttribute("maxy", boundingBox[3]);
    // Call the listeners
    this.callListeners("bbox", boundingBox);

   * Set the BoundingBox element and call the refresh listeners
   * @param boundingBox array in the sequence (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
  this.initBbox=function(objRef) {
    // Set BoundingBox in context from URL CGI params
    if (window.cgiArgs["bbox"]) {   //set as minx,miny,maxx,maxy
      var bbox = window.cgiArgs["bbox"].split(',');
  this.addListener( "loadModel", this.initBbox, this );
  //this.addListener( "contextLoaded", this.initBbox, this );

   * Set the aoi param and call the refresh listeners
   * @param boundingBox array in the sequence (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
  this.initAoi=function(objRef) {
    // Set AOI of context from URL CGI params
    if (window.cgiArgs["aoi"]) {      //set as ul,lr point arrays
      var aoi = window.cgiArgs["aoi"].split(',');
      objRef.setParam("aoi",new Array(new Array(aoi[0],aoi[3]),new Array(aoi[2],aoi[1])));
  this.addListener( "loadModel", this.initAoi, this );
  //MA this.addListener( "contextLoaded", this.initAoi, this );

   * Set the Spatial Reference System for the context document.
   * @param srs The Spatial Reference System.
  this.setSRS=function(srs) {
    var bbox=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:BoundingBox");

   * Get the Spatial Reference System from the context document.
   * @return srs The Spatial Reference System.
  this.getSRS=function() {
    var bbox=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:BoundingBox");
    srs = srs ? srs : 'EPSG:4326';
    return srs;

   * Get the Projection object from the context document.
   * @return Proj Object of  The Spatial Reference System.
  this.initProj=function(objRef) {
    objRef.proj=new OpenLayers.Projection(objRef.getSRS());
  this.addFirstListener( "loadModel", this.initProj, this );

   * Get the Window width.
   * @return width The width of map window from the context document
  this.getWindowWidth=function() {
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    return win.getAttribute("width");

   * Set the Window width.
   * @param width The width of map window to set in the context document
  this.setWindowWidth=function(width) {
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    win.setAttribute("width", width);

   * Get the Window height.
   * @return height The height of map window from the context document.
  this.getWindowHeight=function() {
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    return win.getAttribute("height");

   * Set the Window height.
   * @param height The height of map window to set in the context document
  this.setWindowHeight=function(height) {
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    win.setAttribute("height", height);

   * Returns the width/height of the map window as an array
  this.getWindowSize=function() {
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    return new Array(win.getAttribute("width"), win.getAttribute("height"));

   * Set the Window width and height in one function call to avoid a resize event in between
   * setting width and height, because that causes checkBbox to be triggered, which adjusts the
   * bbox then when it should not yet be adjusted.
   * Added by VTS for dynamic map window resizing (AutoResize tool)
   * @param size Size of the map window as (width, height) array
  this.setWindowSize=function(size) {
    var width = size[0];
    var height = size[1];
    var win=this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Window");
    win.setAttribute("width", width);
    win.setAttribute("height", height);

   * Returns the Layer node with the specified name from the list of nodes
   * selected by the nodeSelectXpath from the capabilities doc.
   * @param featureName name of the featureType to look up
   * @return the Layer node with the specified name.
  this.getFeatureNode = function(featureName) {
    return this.doc.selectSingleNode(this.nodeSelectXpath+"[wmc:Name='"+featureName+"']");

   * Returns the serverUrl for the layer passed in as the feature argument.
   * @param requestName ignored for context docs (only GetMap supported)
   * @param method ignored for context docs (only GET supported)
   * @param feature the Layer node from the context doc
   * @return URL for the GetMap request
  this.getServerUrl = function(requestName, method, feature) {
    return feature.selectSingleNode("wmc:Server/wmc:OnlineResource").getAttribute("xlink:href");

   * Returns the WMS version for the layer passed in as the feature argument
   * @param feature the Layer node from the context doc
   * @return the WMS GetMap version for the Layer.
  this.getVersion = function(feature) {
    return feature.selectSingleNode("wmc:Server").getAttribute("version");

   * Get HTTP method for the specified feature
   * @param feature the Layer node from the context doc
   * @return the HTTP method to get the feature with
  this.getMethod = function(feature) {
    return feature.selectSingleNode("wmc:Server/wmc:OnlineResource").getAttribute("wmc:method");

   * Method to get a list of queryable layers
   * @return the list with queryable layers
  this.getQueryableLayers = function() {
    var listNodeArray = this.doc.selectNodes("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList/wmc:Layer[attribute::queryable='1']");
    return listNodeArray;

   * Method to get a list of all layers in the context doc
   * TBD: merge this with above, passing queryable as an optional boolean param?
   * @return the list with all layers
  this.getAllLayers = function() {
    var listNodeArray = this.doc.selectNodes("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList/wmc:Layer");
    return listNodeArray;

   * Method to get a layer with the specified name in the context doc
   * @param layerId the id of the layer to be returned
   * @return the list with all layers
  this.getLayer = function(layerId) {
    var layer = this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList/wmc:Layer[@id='"+layerId+"']");
    if (layer == null) {
      layer = this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList/wmc:Layer[wmc:Name='"+layerId+"']");
    //TBD: add in time stamp
    return layer;

   * Method to get a layer id with the specified id/name in the context doc
   * @param layerName the name of the layer of which the id is to be returned
   * @return the id of the layer || false
  this.getLayerIdByName = function(layerName) {
    var layer = this.getLayer(layerName);
    var id;
    if (layer) {
      id = layer.getAttribute("id");

    return id || false;

   * Method to add a Layer to the LayerList
   * @param layerNode the Layer node from another context doc or capabiltiies doc
  this.addLayer = function(objRef, layerNode) {

    var parentNode = objRef.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList");

    // Generate layer id if layer doesn't have an id
    if (!layerNode.getAttribute("id")) {
      var randomNumber = Math.round(10000 * Math.random());
      id = Mapbuilder.getProperty(layerNode, "wmc:Name") + "_" + randomNumber; 
      layerNode.setAttribute("id", id);

    objRef.modified = true;
  this.addFirstListener( "addLayer", this.addLayer, this );

   * Method to add a Sld tag to the StyleList
   * @param layerName the Layer name from another context doc or capabiltiies doc
  this.addSLD = function(objRef,sldNode) {
    // alert("context addSLD : ";
    var layerName=Mapbuilder.getProperty(sldNode, "//Name");
    var parentNode = objRef.doc.selectSingleNode("//wmc:Layer[wmc:Name='"+layerName+"']");
    objRef.modified = true;
    var attribs=[];
    attribs["sld_body"]=(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(objRef.doc.selectSingleNode("//wmc:Layer[wmc:Name='"+layerName+"']/wmc:StyleList/wmc:Style/wmc:SLD/wmc:StyledLayerDescriptor"));,layerName,attribs);
  this.addFirstListener( "addSLD", this.addSLD, this );

   * Method to remove a Layer from the LayerList
   * @param layerId the Layer to be deleted
  this.deleteLayer = function(objRef, layerId) {
    var deletedNode = objRef.getLayer(layerId);
    if (!deletedNode) {
      alert(mbGetMessage("nodeNotFound", layerId));
    objRef.modified = true;
  this.addFirstListener( "deleteLayer", this.deleteLayer, this );

   * Method to move a Layer in the LayerList up
   * @param layerId the layer to be moved
  this.moveLayerUp = function(objRef, layerId) {
    var movedNode = objRef.getLayer(layerId);
    var sibNode = movedNode.selectSingleNode("following-sibling::*");
    if (!sibNode) {
      alert(mbGetMessage("cantMoveUp", layerId));
    objRef.modified = true;
  this.addFirstListener( "moveLayerUp", this.moveLayerUp, this );

   * Method to move a Layer in the LayerList down
   * @param layerId the layer to be moved
  this.moveLayerDown = function(objRef, layerId) {
    var movedNode = objRef.getLayer(layerId);
    var listNodeArray = movedNode.selectNodes("preceding-sibling::*");  //preceding-sibling axis contains all previous siblings
    var sibNode = listNodeArray[listNodeArray.length-1];
    if (!sibNode) {
      alert(mbGetMessage("cantMoveDown", layerId));
    objRef.modified = true;
  this.addFirstListener( "moveLayerDown", this.moveLayerDown, this );

   * Adds a node to the Context document extension element.  The extension element
   * will be created if it doesn't already exist.
   * @param extensionNode the node to be appended in the extension element.
   * @return the ndoe added to the extension element
  this.setExtension = function(extensionNode) {
    var extension = this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Extension");
    if (!extension) {
      var general = this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General");
      var newChild = createElementWithNS(this.doc,"Extension",'');
      extension = general.appendChild(newChild);
    return extension.appendChild(extensionNode);

   * Returns the contents of the extension element
   * @return the contents of the extension element
  this.getExtension = function() {
    return this.doc.selectSingleNode("/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:Extension");

   * Parses a Dimension element from the Context document as a loadModel listener.
   * This results in an XML structure with one element for each GetMap time value
   * parameter and added to the Context extrension element.
   * @param objRef a pointer to this object
  this.initTimeExtent = function( objRef ) {
    //only the first one selected is used as the timestamp source
    //var extentNode = objRef.doc.selectSingleNode("//wmc:Layer/wmc:Dimension[@name='time']");
    //TBD: how to deal with multiple time dimensions in one context doc, or caps doc?
    var timeNodes = objRef.doc.selectNodes("//wmc:Dimension[@name='time']");
    for (var i=0; i<timeNodes.length; ++i) {
      var extentNode = timeNodes[i];
      objRef.timestampList = createElementWithNS(objRef.doc,"TimestampList",mbNsUrl);
      var layerId;
      var layerNode = extentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
      if (layerNode.selectSingleNode("@id")) {
        layerId = Mapbuilder.getProperty(layerNode, "@id");
      } else {
        layerId = Mapbuilder.getProperty(layerNode, "wmc:Name");
      objRef.timestampList.setAttribute("layerId", layerId);
      //alert("found time dimension, extent:"+getNodeValue(extentNode));
      var times = getNodeValue(extentNode).split(",");   //comma separated list of arguments
      for (var j=0; j<times.length; ++j) {
        var params = times[j].split("/");     // parses start/end/period
        if (params.length==3) {
          var start = setISODate(params[0]);
          var stop = setISODate(params[1]);
          var period = params[2];
          var parts = period.match(/^P((\d*)Y)?((\d*)M)?((\d*)D)?T?((\d*)H)?((\d*)M)?((.*)S)?/);
          for (var i=1; i<parts.length; ++i) {
            if (!parts[i]) parts[i]=0;
          //alert("start time:"+start.toString());
          do {
            var timestamp = createElementWithNS(objRef.doc,"Timestamp",mbNsUrl);

          } while(start.getTime() <= stop.getTime());

        } else {
          //output single date value
          var timestamp = createElementWithNS(objRef.doc,"Timestamp",mbNsUrl);
  this.addFirstListener( "loadModel", this.initTimeExtent, this );
   * clear the time extent created by initTimeExtent
   * @param objRef reference to this model
  this.clearTimeExtent = function( objRef ) {
    var tsList = objRef.timestampList;
    if (tsList) {
  this.addListener("newModel", this.clearTimeExtent, this);

   * Returns the current timestamp value.
   * @param layerId the name of the Layer from which the timestamp list was generated
   * @return the current timestamp value.
  this.getCurrentTimestamp = function( layerId ) {
    var index = this.getParam("timestamp");
    return getNodeValue(this.timestampList.childNodes[index]);

  // PL -BRGM
   * Change a Layer's opacity
   * @param layerId  The name of the layer that is to be changed
   * @param Opacity     Value of the opacity
  this.setOpacity=function(layerId, Opacity){
    // Set the hidden attribute in the Context
    var layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
    if (layer) layer.setAttribute("opacity", Opacity);
    // Call the listeners
    this.callListeners("opacity", layerId);

   * Get the layer's opacity attribute value.
   * @param layerId  The name of the layer that is to be changed
   * @return hidden  String with the value; 1=hidden, 0=visible.
    var opacity=1;
    var layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
    if (layer) opacity = layer.getAttribute("opacity");
    return opacity;
  // PL -END

Community Map Builder 27 Apr 2008

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Sun Apr 27 20:30:54 2008