Building Metacat from cvs on Windows XP Matthew Perry 10/24/2006 Note: This is not intended to be a complete, step-by-step tutorial but rather a general overview of the process along with some specific "gotchas" that I encountered along the way. =============== Download and Install via the standard windows installers: Postgresql 8.1 Java 1.5 JDK TortiseCVS Download Tomacat5.5 windows installer and install to C:\tomcat5 (or another directory w/out spaces) Download ant 1.6.5-bin and extract to C:\ant Set environment variables (ctl panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables). ANT_HOME => C:\ant JAVA_HOME => C:\Program_Files\jdk1.5.0_09 PATH => { THE EXISTING PATH };C:\Program_Files\jdk1.5.0_09\bin;C:\ant\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS CVS_RSH => C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\TortoisePlink Use pgadmin to * Create a new user named 'metacat' * Create a new database named 'metacat', owned by user 'metacat', with UTF8 Encoding Download the cvs version of metacat cd c:\worskpace cvs -d:ext:{ USER } co metacat cvs -d:ext:{ USER } co utilities cd metacat Adjust # Tomcat Properties tomcat=C:/tomcat5 deploy.dir=C:/tomcat5/webapps # Server Properties config.hostname=localhost config.port=8080 # Metacat database user and password and location of file stores user=metacat password=metacatpass datafilepath=C:/workspace/metacat-data inlinedatafilepath=C:/workspace/metacat-inline-data # give username for CVS access to retrieve latest EML Run ant clean install Create tables "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\psql.exe" -U metacat -W -h localhost -f build/src/xmltables-postgres.sql metacat Register schemas with metacat db ant register-schemas If all went well, you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8080/knb and see the default metacat skin