Instructions on initially creating the workflow scheduler database. Update postgres configuration Edit: /etc/postgresql//main/pg_hba.conf Add the following Line: host workflowscheduler workflowscheduler password Create database: type: createdb metacat Create workflowscheduler user Log in to postgreSQL by typing: psql metacat At the psql prompt, create the workflowscheduler user by typing: CREATE USER workflowscheduler WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your_password'; where 'your_password' is whatever password you would like for the workflowscheduler user. Exit PostgreSQL by typing: \q Restart the PostgreSQL database to bring in changes: /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart Test setup Log out of the postgres user account by typing: logout Test the installation and workflowscheduler account by typing: psql -U workflowscheduler -W -h localhost workflowscheduler Create tables: Open the table creation script at: /src/scripts/workflowscheduler-db-scripts/ws-tables-postgres.sql Copy each sql command and run in psql prompt. Populate tables Open the table creation script at: /src/scripts/workflowscheduler-db-scripts/ws-loaddtdschema-postgres.sql Copy each sql command and run in psql prompt.