These are the steps to install the workflow scheduler, workflow run engine and kepler. At the time of this writing, the workflow scheduler is associated with a single instance of metacat. The workflow run engine and kepler are installed on the same machine as the workflow scheduler. These instructions assume that you already have a working copy of apache and tomcat. Build the workflow scheduler: -- check out Metacat trunk code -- in the root directory, run "ant clean war -f" -- the workflowsheduler.war file will be in ./workflowscheduler.dist/ Deploy the workflow scheduler: -- copy the workflowscheduler.war file to the tomcat webapp directory on the target server -- unjar the war file so you can modify the configuration -- in the webapp dir, mkdir workflowscheduler -- cd workflowscheduler -- jar -xvf ../workflowscheduler.war -- vi WEB-INF/ -- change the workflowScheduler.authServiceUrl and workflowScheduler.authorizationServiceUrl to point to the instance of metacat associated with the scheduler. Create the database: -- follow the instructions in the following file in this directory: createWorkflowSchedulerDB.txt Configure Metacat: -- on the instance of Metacat associated with this workflowscheduler, edit WEB-INF/ -- change the workflowScheduler.url to point to the workflow scheduler server Restart: -- Restart the tomcat instance for the scheduler and for metacat. Install R -- follow the instructions at: to download and install r -- for rhel4, the following steps were applied -- download source tar.gz at: -- tar -xvzf R-2.10.0.tar.gz -- install gcc: up2date gcc-g77 -- run configure with no x and no readline options ./configure --with-x=no --with-readline=no -- run "make" -- run "make install" Install kepler: -- mkdir /usr/kepler -- cd /usr/kepler -- svn co -- cd build-area -- ant change-to -Dsuite=wrp -- ant run Install workflow run engine: -- follow the steps listed in: