# Ant build properties files for the metacat build #Version of this build. This needs to be a dotted numeric version. For #instance 1.9.1 is okay. 1.9.1_rc1 is not. metacat.version=1.10.0 #This is for packaging purposes. leave it blank for final production release. metacat.releaseCandidate=-6 # Tomcat dev deployment directory # build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcat build.tomcat.dir=/Users/berkley/tools/tomcat # The Maven2 installation directory, for building the dataone-service-api # Maven is available here: http://maven.apache.org/ maven.home=/opt/local/share/java/maven2 # install ant target uses this to determine where to drop # the war file in an installation. Test classes will use # this value to find metacat.properties app.deploy.dir=/Users/berkley/tools/tomcat/webapps app.deploy.dir2=/Volumes/Sands/Users/berkley/tools/tomcat/webapps # CVS access to retrieve latest EML, seek and utilities cvsroot=:ext:${env.USER}@cvs.ecoinformatics.org:/cvs ## metacat.context will be used to name war only metacat.context=knb workflowscheduler.context=workflowscheduler authority.context=authority # Server Properties http.protocol=http config.lsidauthority=ecoinformatics.org # SCW: Set the cgi-user, either here or in scripts to properly # set the permissions on the temporary folder; cgi-writable files cgi-user=www-data #Turn off or on for timed replication #valide value is true or false timedreplication=false # The time for starting first timed replication if timedreplication is on # The value should be in SHORT format (e.g. 2:00 AM) without date # The first timed replication will start at the setting time which is # shortest to the tomcat start time. # Fox example, if the setting is 2:00 AM and tomcat was started at 8:00 AM. # the first timed replication will start at 2:00 AM in the second day # If the setting is 2:00 PM and tomcat was started at 8:00 AM, the first # replication will start at 2:00 PM in the same day. firsttimedreplication=10:00 PM # The interval to next timed replication if timedreplication is on # The value is in millisecond and default value is 48 hours timedreplicationinterval=172800000 forcereplicationwaitingtime=30000 ## Additional configuration options # you probably don't want or need to change these config.metadataLabelLsid=${config.lsidauthority} build.dir=build lsid.build.dir=${build.dir}/lsid lib.dir=lib lsid.lib.dir=${lib.dir}/lsid_lib lsid.classes.dir=edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/lsid conf.dir=lib/lsid_conf services.dir=${conf.dir}/services webinf.dir=${conf.dir}/WEB-INF compile.debug=true compile.deprecation=false compile.optimize=true # Flag to install ecogird or not. Possible values are true or false install.ecogrid=true # Flag to make perl code or not. Possible values are true or false make.perl.code=true #ecogrid.hostname=localhost # The metacat current dir's abolute value. If you set install.ecogrid=false, this variable # do NOT need to be configured #metacat.dir=/home/daigle/workspace/metacat # The location of the dataone source code, defaulting to a directory # rooted at a sibling of the current build directory d1.dir=../dataone/allsoftware/cicore/service-api-java