Listeners and object methods

More advanced applications will likely want to add functionality by performing specific actions in response to user input. There are a few methods provided in Mapbuilder to customize your application.

An important aspect of the MVC design pattern is that it is event driven. Almost everything that happens over the course of the application execution is the result of an event being triggered on a model, which then calls listener functions registered with that model. This allows the models, widgets and tools to remain independant of each other and makes Mapbuilder very modular - objects can be added and removed from the configuration without affecting the other objects.

There is a global "config" object that can be referenced from anywhere. You can retrieve a reference to all other objects by using the config.objects property. For example, a model with an ID of "model_x" would be referenced as config.objects.model_x, or config.objects["model_x"].

The following functions are available for carrying out user actions:

This method will load the model with the specified modelId from the docUrl provided. This will also trigger a "loadModel" event for that model.
This method updates a parameter and call all interested listeners. For example, you can set an area of interest on a Context document by setting the "aoi" parameter. Any listeners registered to listen for the "aoi" event would then be called and the value is passed to the listener functions as an argument. The value can be any Javascript object, e.g. a string, integer, array, or object.
Updates the value of a node in the model's XML document and triggers a "refresh" event for this model. The node updated is specified by the xpath argument.
button action property
Buttons in the configuration file accept an <action> property which specifies an object method to be called when a button is selected.

The way to use these functions is to set them as the HREF element of an anchor tag:

<a href="javascript:config.loadModel(...)"/>

or as an event handler (onclick, onmouseover, etc.) on any HTML element that allows it:

<td onclick="config.loadModel(...)"/>

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