jsTree v.1.0 - types plugin


The types enables node types - each node can have a type, and you can define rules on how that type should behave - maximum children count, maximum depth, valid children types, selectable or not, etc.



A number. Default is -1.

Defines maximum number of root nodes (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_children checking in the tree).


A number. Default is -1.

Defines maximum depth of the tree (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_depth checking in the tree).


A string or array. Default is "all".

Defines valid root node types (could be "all", "none", or an array of type strings).


A string. Default is "rel".

Defines the attribute on each li node, where the type attribute will be stored.


An object.

Defines all the active types in the tree. Each key is the type name, and each value represents the rules for this type. A default type is defined - all nodes with no explicit type set are treated as if they were of the default type.

types : {
	// the default type
	"default" : {
		"max_children"	: -1,
		"max_depth"		: -1,
		"valid_children": "all"

		// Bound functions - you can bind any other function here (using boolean or function)
		//"select_node"	: true,
		//"open_node"	: true,
		//"close_node"	: true,
		//"create_node"	: true,
		//"delete_node"	: true

For max_children, max_depth & valid_children use the same values as for the tree, but the value you set will only apply for that node type.

You can set an icon key - it should be an object consisting of two keys - image (string - location of the image to be used as an icon) & position (string - left and top pixels of the image - 10px 40px, only useful when using sprites - omit otherwise).

You can set more keys in that object - each key should be a function name, and each value - either a boolean (in order to allow or disallow that operation, on that node type) or a function. If you supply a function - your function will be called with two arguments - the name of the called function (the key) and the arguments passed to that function - you can then decide whether to return true or false.

For any type - for now you can control only functions that take the node being manipulated as the first argument.


Using the types plugin


._get_type ( node )

Get the type of a node.

.set_type ( type , node )

Set the type of a node.

._check ( rule , node , opts )

Checks a rule on a give node. Used mostly internally.


.create_node ( ), .check_move ( )

Both functions are overwritten to accomodate the new functionality presented by the plugin.