


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  harvester 5030 over 15 years daigle Change location of PropertyService to propertie...
  provider 6021 almost 14 years Duane Costa Bug 3835 - design and implement OAI-PMH complia...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6021 03/25/2011 10:43 AM Duane Costa

Bug 3835 - design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
Return a 'badVerb' response when the 'verb' request parameter is missing from the request. Previously this generated a NullPointerException.

5649 11/16/2010 12:42 PM Duane Costa

Bug fix for #5241: OAI-PMH: ListRecords verb returns content containing XML processing instructions.

5066 10/01/2009 12:12 PM ben leinfelder

return InputStream instead of Reader in the MetacatClient read() and readInlineData() methods. Can now handle binary data

5030 08/24/2009 02:34 PM daigle

Change location of PropertyService to properties directory

5023 08/12/2009 02:12 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem: * Remove import of deleted class

5022 08/12/2009 01:58 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem: * Add documentation files to the 'docs/dev/oaipmh' directory. * Delete two obsolete files. * Modify class description comment in

5021 08/10/2009 01:45 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem. Develop harvester component of the OAI-PMH harvester/provider pair. * Terminate harvest if login failed. * Add shell script

5020 08/07/2009 02:34 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem. Develop harvester component of the OAI-PMH harvester/provider pair.

5015 08/04/2009 02:32 PM daigle

Create database and shared directories for database management code and shared code respectively.

4996 07/27/2009 12:50 PM Duane Costa

Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
Check to see whether metacat database has changed since last refresh date, and if it has, refresh catalog objects in memory.

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