


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment 22.3 KB 6241 about 13 years Chris Jones Implement [MN|CN]Storage.create() in D1NodeServ... 71.1 KB 6108 over 13 years ben leinfelder read and write D1 access policy rules from meta... 33.3 KB 6245 about 13 years ben leinfelder isAuthorized: check for nulls in Session subjec... 4.13 KB 5770 over 13 years berkley implemented health api 19.4 KB 6250 about 13 years Chris Jones Implement the MNStorage.delete() MNodeService. ... 2.83 KB 5549 about 14 years berkley commented out a println 7.37 KB 6187 about 13 years ben leinfelder implement object format methods - using a separ... 1.62 KB 6099 over 13 years ben leinfelder -remove system metadata guid -> local id mappin...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6250 06/29/2011 04:59 PM Chris Jones

Implement the MNStorage.delete() MNodeService. There is debate about what permissions are needed to 'delete' an object (archive it in metacat terms): D1 'WRITE' (metacat 'write') or D1 CHANGE_PERMISSION (metacat 'all'). For now we are using CHANGE_PERMISSION until it is ironed out.

6245 06/29/2011 12:35 PM ben leinfelder

isAuthorized: check for nulls in Session subjects, catch any unexpected errors and deny access when in doubt

6242 06/29/2011 12:09 PM Chris Jones

Remove setParamsFromRequest() from D1NodeService. This was called (previously as CrudService) from ResourceHandler, but will be deprecated in favor of manually creating a param map for each method that needs to pass params on to MetacatHandler.

6241 06/29/2011 08:44 AM Chris Jones

Implement [MN|CN]Storage.create() in D1NodeService. Since MetacatHandler requires an IP for event logging, we pass in the metacat URL (hold over from CrudService). To do this in the abstract D1NodeService, change the constructors to take metacatUrl as a parameter and get the URL from the metacat properties file in getInstance() of the subclasses. Needs testing.

6239 06/28/2011 04:48 PM ben leinfelder

include URL in resolve() method as well as placeholder for preference

6235 06/28/2011 01:46 PM ben leinfelder

Metacat does not implement CNRegister

6234 06/28/2011 11:41 AM Chris Jones

Implement CNRead.synchronizationFailed() in MNodeService. Note: The CN URL is not yet available in the SynchronizationFailed exception, but will be once the d1_common_java exception is updated. See Once updated, change this method to explicitly state the CN URL making the call.

6233 06/28/2011 11:18 AM Chris Jones

Change to be public since it's internal to Metacat, and use read() in D1NodeService after isAuthorized() for the calling Subject from the Session object.

6230 06/28/2011 08:48 AM Chris Jones

Implement MNRead.listObjects() in MNodeService.

6229 06/28/2011 08:42 AM Chris Jones

Implement MNRead.describe() in MNodeService.

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