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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.schemas.converters.DDMLToDTD


public class DDMLToDTD
extends HandlerBase
Convert a DDML document to a DTD object.

Constructor Index

Create a new DDMLToDTD object.
 o DDMLToDTD(Parser)
Create a new DDMLToDTD object and set the SAX Parser.

Method Index

 o characters(char[], int, int)
Implementation of characters in SAX' DocumentHandler interface.
 o convert(InputSource)
Convert the DDML document to a DTD object.
 o convert(Parser, InputSource)
Set the SAX parser, then convert the DDML document to a DTD object.
 o endDocument()
Implementation of endDocument in SAX' DocumentHandler interface.
 o endElement(String)
Implementation of endElement in SAX' DocumentHandler interface.
 o getParser()
Get the current SAX Parser.
 o setParser(Parser)
Set the current SAX Parser.
 o startDocument()
Implementation of startDocument in SAX' DocumentHandler interface.
 o startElement(String, AttributeList)
Implementation of startElement in SAX' DocumentHandler interface.


 public DDMLToDTD()
Create a new DDMLToDTD object.

 public DDMLToDTD(Parser parser)
Create a new DDMLToDTD object and set the SAX Parser.


 o getParser
 public Parser getParser()
Get the current SAX Parser.

The current SAX Parser.
 o setParser
 public void setParser(Parser parser)
Set the current SAX Parser.

parser - The current SAX Parser.
 o convert
 public DTD convert(Parser parser,
                    InputSource src) throws SAXException, IOException
Set the SAX parser, then convert the DDML document to a DTD object.

parser - The current SAX Parser.
src - A SAX InputSource for the DDML document.
A DTD object.
 o convert
 public DTD convert(InputSource src) throws SAXException, IOException
Convert the DDML document to a DTD object.

src - A SAX InputSource for the DDML document.
A DTD object.
 o startDocument
 public void startDocument() throws SAXException
Implementation of startDocument in SAX' DocumentHandler interface. This method is called by the SAX Parser and should not be called by programmers using DDMLToDTD.

startDocument in class HandlerBase
 o startElement
 public void startElement(String name,
                          AttributeList attrs) throws SAXException
Implementation of startElement in SAX' DocumentHandler interface. This method is called by the SAX Parser and should not be called by programmers using DDMLToDTD.

startElement in class HandlerBase
 o endElement
 public void endElement(String name) throws SAXException
Implementation of endElement in SAX' DocumentHandler interface. This method is called by the SAX Parser and should not be called by programmers using DDMLToDTD.

endElement in class HandlerBase
 o characters
 public void characters(char ch[],
                        int start,
                        int length) throws SAXException
Implementation of characters in SAX' DocumentHandler interface. This method is called by the SAX Parser and should not be called by programmers using DDMLToDTD.

characters in class HandlerBase
 o endDocument
 public void endDocument() throws SAXException
Implementation of endDocument in SAX' DocumentHandler interface. This method is called by the SAX Parser and should not be called by programmers using DDMLToDTD.

endDocument in class HandlerBase

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