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Class de.tudarmstadt.ito.xmldbms.DocumentInfo


public class DocumentInfo
extends Object
Contains information necessary to retrieve a document.

The DocumentInfo class contains information necessary to retrieve a single XML document from the database: the names of the root tables in which the document was stored, the names of the key columns in these tables, the applicable key values, and the names of the order columns in these tables.

There will be more than one set of values only if the root element type is ignored, in which case there is one set of values for each child. These can point to the same table (the child element types are all the same) or multiple tables (the child element types are different).

DocumentInfo objects are returned by DOMToDBMS.storeDocument and may be passed to DBMSToDOM.retrieveDocument(DocumentInfo).

See Also:
storeDocument, retrieveDocument

Constructor Index

 o DocumentInfo()
Construct a DocumentInfo object.
 o DocumentInfo(String, String[], Object[], String)
Construct a DocumentInfo object and initialize it from table and column names.
 o DocumentInfo(Table, Column[], Object[], Column)
Construct a DocumentInfo object and initialize from Table and Column objects.

Method Index

 o addInfo(String, String[], Object[], String)
Add a set of values to the DocumentInfo object using table and column names.
 o addInfo(Table, Column[], Object[], Column)
Add a set of values to the DocumentInfo object using Table and Column objects.
 o getKey(int)
Get the ith key.
 o getKeyColumnNames(int)
Get the names of the key columns for the ith table.
 o getOrderColumnName(int)
Get the name of the order column for the ith table.
 o getTableName(int)
Get the name of the ith table.
 o size()
Get the number of keys.


 o DocumentInfo
 public DocumentInfo()
Construct a DocumentInfo object.

 o DocumentInfo
 public DocumentInfo(Table table,
                     Column keyColumns[],
                     Object key[],
                     Column orderColumn)
Construct a DocumentInfo object and initialize from Table and Column objects.

table - Table object for the table containing the data.
keyColumns - Column objects for the key columns in the table.
key - Key used to retrieve the data.
orderColumn - Column object for the column stating the order in which the data values are to be retrieved. Null if there is no order column.
 o DocumentInfo
 public DocumentInfo(String tableName,
                     String keyColumnNames[],
                     Object key[],
                     String orderColumnName)
Construct a DocumentInfo object and initialize it from table and column names.

tableName - Name of the table containing the data.
keyColumnNames - Names of the key columns in the table.
key - Key used to retrieve the data.
orderColumnName - Name of the column stating the order in which the data values are to be retrieved. Null if there is no order column.


 o size
 public int size()
Get the number of keys.

 o getTableName
 public String getTableName(int num)
Get the name of the ith table.

num - Table number.
Name of the table.
 o getKeyColumnNames
 public String[] getKeyColumnNames(int num)
Get the names of the key columns for the ith table.

num - Table number.
Names of the key columns.
 o getKey
 public Object[] getKey(int num)
Get the ith key.

num - Key number.
Key value.
 o getOrderColumnName
 public String getOrderColumnName(int num)
Get the name of the order column for the ith table.

num - Table number.
Name of the order column. Null if there is no order column.
 o addInfo
 public void addInfo(Table table,
                     Column keyColumns[],
                     Object key[],
                     Column orderColumn)
Add a set of values to the DocumentInfo object using Table and Column objects.

table - Table object for the table containing the data.
keyColumns - Column objects for the key columns in the table.
key - Key used to retrieve the data.
orderColumn - Column object for the column stating the order in which the data values are to be retrieved. Null if there is no order column.
 o addInfo
 public void addInfo(String tableName,
                     String keyColumnNames[],
                     Object key[],
                     String orderColumnName)
Add a set of values to the DocumentInfo object using table and column names.

tableName - Name of the table containing the data.
keyColumnNames - Names of the key columns in the table.
key - Key used to retrieve the data.
orderColumnName - Name of the column stating the order in which the data values are to be retrieved. Null if there is no order column.

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