CREATE TABLE systemMetadata ( guid VARCHAR2(2000), -- the globally unique string identifier serial_version VARCHAR2(256), --the serial version of the object date_uploaded DATE, -- the date/time the document was first submitted rights_holder VARCHAR2(250), --the user who has rights to the document, usually the first persons to upload it checksum VARCHAR2(512), --the checksum of the doc using the given algorithm (see below) checksum_algorithm VARCHAR2(250), --the algorithm used to calculate the checksum origin_member_node VARCHAR2(250), --the member node where the document was first uploaded authoritive_member_node VARCHAR2(250), --the member node that currently controls the document date_modified DATE, -- the last date/time that the file was changed submitter VARCHAR2(256), -- the user who originally submitted the doc object_format VARCHAR2(256), --the format of the object size VARCHAR2(256), --the size of the object archived boolean, -- specifies whether this an archived object replication_allowed boolean, -- replication allowed number_replicas NUMBER(8), -- the number of replicas allowed obsoletes VARCHAR2(2000), -- the identifier of the record that this replaces obsoleted_by VARCHAR2(2000), -- the identifier of the record that replaces this record CONSTRAINT systemMetadata_pk PRIMARY KEY (guid) ) CREATE TABLE systemMetadataReplicationPolicy ( guid VARCHAR2(2000), -- the globally unique string identifier of the object that the system metadata describes member_node VARCHAR(250), -- replication member node policy VARCHAR2(2000), -- the policy (preferred, blocked, etc...TBD) CONSTRAINT systemMetadataReplicationPolicy_fk FOREIGN KEY (guid) REFERENCES systemMetadata DEFERRABLE ); CREATE TABLE systemMetadataReplicationStatus ( guid VARCHAR2(2000), -- the globally unique string identifier of the object that the system metadata describes member_node VARCHAR(250), -- replication member node status VARCHAR(250), -- replication status date_verified DATE, -- the date replication was verified CONSTRAINT systemMetadataReplicationStatus_fk FOREIGN KEY (guid) REFERENCES systemMetadata DEFERRABLE ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS identifier; CREATE TABLE identifier ( guid VARCHAR2(2000), -- the globally unique string identifier docid VARCHAR2(250), -- the local document id # rev NUMBER(8) -- the revision part of the local identifier ); /** * track the user-agent for the request */ ALTER TABLE access_log ADD COLUMN user_agent VARCHAR2(512); /* * add the nodedatadate column to xml_nodes * TODO: load the data into it (java?) */ ALTER TABLE xml_nodes ADD COLUMN nodedatadate TIMESTAMP; ALTER TABLE xml_nodes_revisions ADD COLUMN nodedatadate TIMESTAMP; ALTER TABLE xml_path_index ADD COLUMN nodedatadate TIMESTAMP; CREATE INDEX xml_path_index_idx4 ON xml_path_index (nodedatadate); /* * Register the new schema */ INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '@eml2_1_1namespace@', '/schema/eml-2.1.1/eml.xsd'); /** * Generate GUIDs for docid.rev */ INSERT INTO identifier (docid, rev, guid) SELECT docid, rev, docid || '.' || rev FROM xml_documents UNION SELECT docid, rev, docid || '.' || rev FROM xml_revisions; /* * Allow guid in xml_access table (for system metadata) */ ALTER TABLE xml_access ADD COLUMN guid VARCHAR2(2000); /** * Expand accessfileid in xml_access table to hold guids */ ALTER TABLE xml_access ALTER COLUMN accessfileid TYPE VARCHAR2(2000); /** * Upgrade xml_access records to use GUID from identifier table * NOTE: This duplicates existing access rules for every revision of a document */ INSERT INTO xml_access ( guid, principal_name, permission, perm_type, perm_order, docid, accessfileid, begin_time, end_time, ticket_count, subtreeid, startnodeid, endnodeid ) SELECT id.guid, xa.principal_name, xa.permission, xa.perm_type, xa.perm_order, xa.docid, xa.accessfileid, xa.begin_time, xa.end_time, xa.ticket_count, xa.subtreeid, xa.startnodeid, xa.endnodeid FROM identifier id, xml_access xa WHERE id.docid = xa.docid; /** * Include inline data access rows -- they have a special guid: 'scope.docid.rev.index' */ INSERT INTO xml_access ( guid, principal_name, permission, perm_type, perm_order, docid, accessfileid, begin_time, end_time, ticket_count, subtreeid, startnodeid, endnodeid ) SELECT docid, principal_name, permission, perm_type, perm_order, docid, accessfileid, begin_time, end_time, ticket_count, subtreeid, startnodeid, endnodeid FROM xml_access WHERE docid like '%.%.%.%'; /** * Update the accessfileid to use guid * NOTE: uses the last revision's guid as the new accessfileid */ CREATE TABLE max_identifier (guid VARCHAR2(2000), docid VARCHAR2(250), rev NUMBER(8)); /** insert the max rev identifier for each document **/ INSERT INTO max_identifier (docid, rev, guid) SELECT docid, MAX(rev), docid || '.' || MAX(rev) FROM identifier GROUP BY docid; /** create some indexes to speed up the join **/ CREATE INDEX maxid_docid_index ON max_identifier (docid); CREATE INDEX maxid_guid_index ON max_identifier (docid); CREATE INDEX accessfileid_index on xml_access (accessfileid); CREATE INDEX xml_access_guid_index on xml_access (guid); /** only need to join on docid since there is a single row for the max docid **/ UPDATE xml_access xa SET accessfileid = maxid.guid FROM max_identifier maxid WHERE xa.accessfileid = maxid.docid AND xa.guid IS NOT null; DROP INDEX maxid_docid_index; DROP INDEX maxid_guid_index; DROP INDEX accessfileid_index; DROP INDEX xml_access_guid_index; DROP TABLE max_identifier; /** * Remove old access rules */ DELETE FROM xml_access WHERE guid is null; /** * clean up the xml_access table */ ALTER TABLE xml_access DROP COLUMN docid; /** * expand xml_path_index 'path' column to hold larger strings */ ALTER TABLE xml_path_index MODIFY ( path VARCHAR2(4000) ); /* * update the database version */ UPDATE db_version SET status=0; INSERT INTO db_version (version, status, date_created) VALUES ('2.0.0', 1, CURRENT_DATE);