/** * This function removes all traces of an object identified by the given {pid}. * NOTE: for complete removal, the object should also be deleted from the filesystem. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_all(pid text) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_docid text; v_rev integer; v_doctype text; deleted_count integer; BEGIN SELECT INTO v_docid docid FROM identifier WHERE guid = pid; SELECT INTO v_rev rev FROM identifier WHERE guid = pid; SELECT INTO v_doctype doctype FROM xml_documents WHERE docid = v_docid and rev = v_rev; IF v_doctype IS NULL THEN SELECT INTO v_doctype doctype FROM xml_revisions WHERE docid = v_docid and rev = v_rev; END IF; RAISE NOTICE 'Processing pid: %, which is docid: %.%, with doctype: %', pid, v_docid, v_rev, v_doctype; IF v_docid IS NOT NULL THEN -- current versions DELETE FROM xml_queryresult WHERE docid = v_docid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_queryresult', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_path_index WHERE docid = v_docid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_path_index', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_index WHERE docid = v_docid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_index', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_documents WHERE docid = v_docid AND rev = v_rev; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_documents', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_nodes WHERE docid = v_docid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_nodes', deleted_count; -- revisions DELETE FROM xml_revisions WHERE docid = v_docid AND rev = v_rev; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_revisions', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_nodes_revisions WHERE docid = v_docid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_nodes_revisions', deleted_count; -- event logs DELETE FROM access_log WHERE docid = v_docid||'.'||v_rev; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from access_log', deleted_count; -- reminder to delete filesystem content IF v_doctype = 'BIN' THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Remember to delete DATA file from filesystem docid: %.%', v_docid, v_rev; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Remember to delete METADATA file from filesystem docid: %.%', v_docid, v_rev; END IF; END IF; DELETE FROM systemMetadataReplicationPolicy WHERE guid = pid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from systemMetadataReplicationPolicy', deleted_count; DELETE FROM systemMetadataReplicationStatus WHERE guid = pid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from systemMetadataReplicationStatus', deleted_count; DELETE FROM systemMetadata WHERE guid = pid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from systemMetadata', deleted_count; DELETE FROM xml_access WHERE guid = pid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from xml_access', deleted_count; DELETE FROM identifier WHERE guid = pid; GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; RAISE NOTICE 'Deleted % rows from identifier', deleted_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; --BEGIN; select delete_all('bowles.55.4'); ROLLBACK; /** * This part of the script collects PIDS to be deleted * and performs the deletion on that set of pids. * Currently we are targeting all ORNLDAAC objects. * Update this section as needed. */ -- Save the set of PIDs we are deleting CREATE TABLE pids_to_delete AS SELECT *, text(null) as docid, null::integer as rev FROM systemMetadata WHERE origin_member_node like 'urn:node:ORNLDAAC'; -- update with docid/rev if we have them UPDATE pids_to_delete ptd SET docid = id.docid, rev = id.rev FROM identifier id WHERE ptd.guid = id.guid; -- Do the delete BEGIN; SELECT delete_all(guid) FROM pids_to_delete; --ROLLBACK; COMMIT; -- Clean up DROP TABLE pids_to_delete;