


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  _static 8786 over 10 years Lauren Walker Describe the primary data resource in the deriv...
  _templates 5266 over 14 years Matt Jones Adding new documentation section for Metacat de...
  images 8793 over 10 years Lauren Walker Fixed an error in the ORE model diagrams
  themes 8778 over 10 years Lauren Walker Add documentation for the ORE model expansion f...
authinterface.rst 5.38 KB 8573 almost 11 years ben leinfelder Minor edits on the new AuthFile features. 6.23 KB 8656 almost 11 years ben leinfelder update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifa...
configuration.rst 20.6 KB 8573 almost 11 years ben leinfelder Minor edits on the new AuthFile features.
contributors.rst 1.29 KB 8334 about 11 years Matt Jones Added Lauren to contributors list in the metaca...
dataone.rst 19.9 KB 8290 about 11 years ben leinfelder add sample SSLCertificateChainFile directive to...
development.rst 563 Bytes 8778 over 10 years Lauren Walker Add documentation for the ORE model expansion f...
doi.rst 4.02 KB 7509 over 11 years ben leinfelder reference the correct entry ...
event-logging.rst 3.76 KB 8265 about 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...
geoserver.rst 12 KB 8397 about 11 years ben leinfelder point users to the geoserver admin page deploye...
harvester.rst 35.1 KB 8265 about 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...
identifiers.rst 7.82 KB 6831 almost 13 years Matt Jones Updating Sphinx doc structure in prep for movin...
index.rst 2.17 KB 8656 almost 11 years ben leinfelder update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifa...
install.rst 36 KB 8656 almost 11 years ben leinfelder update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifa...
intro.rst 6.4 KB 8245 about 11 years Lauren Walker FontAwesome and Bootstrap are imported locally ...
license.rst 18.4 KB 6847 almost 13 years Matt Jones Added AuthInterface chapter, and a License chap...
metacat-properties.rst 78.7 KB 8597 almost 11 years ben leinfelder add a link to the authentication interface page...
oaipmh.rst 37.8 KB 8337 about 11 years ben leinfelder correct rst formatting.
ore-model-expansion.rst 17.3 KB 8786 over 10 years Lauren Walker Describe the primary data resource in the deriv...
plantuml.conf 1.99 KB 5266 over 14 years Matt Jones Adding new documentation section for Metacat de...
query-index.rst 6.89 KB 8265 about 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...
replication.rst 14 KB 8265 about 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...
sitemaps.rst 2.32 KB 8265 about 11 years ben leinfelder Refer to metacat.war deployments since those ar...
statistics-service.rst 12.3 KB 8587 almost 11 years Peter Slaughter minor formatting error
submitting.rst 95.3 KB 8726 over 10 years Jing Tao The package libdigest-sha1-perl was removed fro...
themes.rst 11.1 KB 8706 over 10 years Lauren Walker Added an explanation of "metacat context" to th...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8793 05/21/2014 02:59 PM Lauren Walker

Fixed an error in the ORE model diagrams

8786 05/16/2014 03:13 PM Lauren Walker

Describe the primary data resource in the derived resource RDF

8780 05/15/2014 09:34 AM ben leinfelder

expand the sparql queries to include dcterms:identifier

8779 05/14/2014 02:09 PM Lauren Walker

Text changes to ORE docs

8778 05/14/2014 01:22 PM Lauren Walker

Add documentation for the ORE model expansion for derived data

8754 04/29/2014 03:31 PM Jing Tao

The image which has the default values.

8753 04/29/2014 03:13 PM Jing Tao

Add a new screen shot which contains the cn url.

8726 04/03/2014 09:44 AM Jing Tao

The package libdigest-sha1-perl was removed from ubuntu 12.04. We have to install it from cpan.

8706 03/19/2014 01:26 PM Lauren Walker

Added an explanation of "metacat context" to the Metacat Themes docs based on questions asked by an actual user following our instructions in the docs.

8705 03/18/2014 12:18 PM Lauren Walker

Edited the docs to incude more details about creating a custom theme

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