Metacat Properties File

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Metacat Server has many dynamically settable properties. All of them are kept in the file. Most can be set from within the build file when you first install Metacat. The following is a summary of each property and its function.

Property Description Possible or default value
user The username that Metacat uses to access the backend database.  
password The password that Metacat uses to access the backend database.  
defaultDB The JDBC connection string that Metacat uses to connect to the backend database.
dbDriver The JDBC driver to be used to access the backend database. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
dbAdapter The name of the RDBMS Adapter Class that Metacat uses to get specific features in the backend database. edu.ucsb.nceas.dbadapter.OracleAdapter
initialConnections The number of initial connection that Metacat creates to the database. 5
incrementConnections The number of connections that are created when Metacat needs more connections. 5
maximumConnections The maximum number of database connection Metacat can make. 10
resultStyleURL The URL to the default stylesheet that Metacat should use to transform XML documents when qformat is set to HTML.
xmlcatalogfile The default file type catalog file location.
defaultdatapath DEPRECATED C:\Temp\
executescript DEPRECATED test.bat
sitecode The sitecode that is used to create accession numbers.
accNumSeparator The separator that is used to separate the three parts of the accession number: codename, sequence and revision number. It should be synchronized with the Client application. . (period)
saxparser The SAX parser to be used to parse XML documents. org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
servletpath The path on the local machine to the Metacat Servlet. /knb/servlet/metacat
htmlpath The path to the HTML server for this Metacat context. This is where the Metacat web interface would be served from. /knb
packagedoctype The doctype of a package file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as a Package files. -//NCEAS//eml-dataset-2.0//EN
accessdoctype The doctype of an access control list (ACL) file. The system will only recognize documents of this type as an Access files. -//NCEAS//eml-access-2.0//EN
server The server on which this Metacat server runs.
authclass The authorization plugin to use. In this example, LDAP. edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.AuthLdap
ldapurl The path to your LDAP server (if LDAP authentication is being used. ldap://
ldapsurl The path to your LDAP server with SSL support. (if LDAP authentication is being used and if your LDAT server is set with SSL support.) 2 ports are used to listen: 389 for plain sockets and 636 for SSL Sockect. If your LDAP server is not set to support SSL this property should be the same as ldapurl, else Metacat will retieve an error. ldap://
ldapbase LDAP base parameters for the LDAP server. o=NCEAS,c=US
deltaT The default delta T used for replication. 60
replicationpath The relative path to the replication servlet. /knb/servlet/replication
replicationlog Location of the replication log file. /logs/Metacatreplication.log
dtdPath Path to which DTDs are uploaded. /opt/tomcat/webapps/knb/dtd/
dtdURL The HTTP accessable URL to the DTD files specified in dtdPath.
datafilepath The path to which you want data files uploaded. /opt/tomcat/webapps/knb/data
dataport DEPRECATED 4444

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