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<sch:schema xmlns:sch="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:lang="en">
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<sch:title>Schematron constraints for GML / ISO 19136</sch:title>
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<sch:ns prefix="sch" uri="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"/>
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<sch:ns prefix="gml" uri="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2"/>
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<sch:ns prefix="xlink" uri="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>
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<sch:rule context="gml:ValueArray">
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<sch:assert test="not(@codeSpace and @uom)">ValueArray may not carry both a reference to a codeSpace and a uom</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:ValueArray">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:valueComponent/*) = count(gml:valueComponent/*[name() = name(../../gml:valueComponent[1]/*[1])])">All components shall be of the same type</sch:assert>
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:valueComponents/*) = count(gml:valueComponents/*[name() = name(../*[1])])">All components shall be of the same type</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:pos">
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<sch:assert test="not(@srsDimension) or @srsName">The presence of a dimension attribute implies the presence of the srsName attribute.</sch:assert>
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<sch:assert test="not(@axisLabels) or @srsName">The presence of an axisLabels attribute implies the presence of the srsName attribute.</sch:assert>
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<sch:assert test="not(@uomLabels) or @srsName">The presence of an uomLabels attribute implies the presence of the srsName attribute.</sch:assert>
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<sch:assert test="(not(@uomLabels) and not(@axisLabels)) or (@uomLabels and @axisLabels)">The presence of an uomLabels attribute implies the presence of the axisLabels attribute and vice versa.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:PolyhedralSurface">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:patches/*)=count(gml:patches/gml:PolygonPatch)">All patches shall be gml:PolygonPatch elements or an element in the substitution group of gml:PolygonPatch. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:TriangulatedSurface">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:patches/*)=count(gml:patches/gml:Triangle)">All patches shall be gml:Triangle elements or an element in the substitution group of gml:PolygonPatch. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:abstractStrictAssociationRole">
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<sch:assert test="not(@xlink:href and (*|text()))">Property element may not carry both a reference to an object and contain an object.</sch:assert>
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<sch:assert test="@xlink:href | (*|text())">Property element shall either carry a reference to an object or contain an object.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:MultiPointDomain">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:MultiPoint)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:MultiPoint elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:MultiCurveDomain">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:MultiCurve)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:MultiCurve elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:MultiSurfaceDomain">
53 |
<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:MultiSurface)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:MultiSurface elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:MultiSolidDomain">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:MultiSolid)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:MultiSolid elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:GridDomain">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:Grid)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:Grid elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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<sch:rule context="gml:RectifiedGridDomain">
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<sch:assert test="count(gml:domainSet/*)=count(gml:domainSet/gml:RectifiedGrid)">All values in the domain set shall be gml:RectifiedGrid elements or an element in its substitution group. Note that the test currently does not identify substitutable elements correctly, this will require the use of XPath 2 in the future.</sch:assert>
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