





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6197 Bug Closed Normal Provide more information during long spinners (DOI publishing) 11/15/2013 08:18 AM Actions
6192 Bug Closed Normal Add ldapweb.cgi links in the RegistryView when they are removed from the register-data.cgi template ben leinfelder 11/18/2013 12:51 PM Actions
6180 Bug Resolved Normal KNB theme: autocomplete truncates (...) before width is filled Lauren Walker 10/30/2013 10:01 AM Actions
6178 Bug Resolved Normal Reset filters option should show when additionalCriteria are included in the searchModel Lauren Walker 10/30/2013 09:57 AM Actions
6166 Bug Rejected Normal URL format of #data/search/{criteria} not constraining results Lauren Walker 10/25/2013 04:03 PM Actions
6159 Bug Resolved Normal KNB theme has 0 margin for ldapweb.cgi activation Lauren Walker 10/25/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6139 Bug Closed Normal Ensure all UI queries limit to only the current revision of a document 10/29/2013 07:35 AM Actions
6126 Bug Works For Me Normal Sign in via registry (#share) fails in IE 10 Lauren Walker 10/07/2013 04:08 PM Actions
6124 Bug Closed Normal Use POST for all login requests ben leinfelder 10/04/2013 03:10 PM Actions
6048 Bug Closed Normal Consistently scroll views to the top (or anchor) on change ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:57 PM Actions
6047 Bug Closed Normal Enter key does not trigger search action ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:57 PM Actions
6046 Bug Closed Normal Searching for "O'Connor" from main page results in error ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:57 PM Actions
6012 Bug Closed Normal Ensure all UTF-8 characters display correctly in query results ben leinfelder 07/23/2013 09:01 AM Actions
6611 Bug Resolved High Make sure #signup view works with Windows 7+Mozilla. Lauren Walker 04/07/2015 12:02 PM Actions
6071 Bug Closed High Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header Lauren Walker 09/18/2013 09:20 AM Actions
(51-65/65) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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