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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6037 Task Closed Normal Implement EML view page ben leinfelder 07/25/2013 08:34 AM Actions
6019 Feature Closed Normal Implement "get view" service as a REST endpoint 07/09/2013 01:52 PM Actions
6026 Task Closed Normal Implement MN.getPackage() ben leinfelder 07/08/2013 09:51 PM Actions
6029 Task Rejected Normal Implement MN.listViews() ben leinfelder 07/09/2013 09:47 AM Actions
6014 Feature Closed Normal Implement publish DOI action 10/02/2013 02:30 PM Actions
6078 Task Closed Normal Include Metacat documentation using the #external view Lauren Walker 09/13/2013 02:20 PM Actions
6025 Task Closed Normal Include publish DOI in the UI Lauren Walker 09/10/2013 09:52 AM Actions
6020 Feature Closed Normal Integrate metacat-ui build with main Metacat build ben leinfelder 07/17/2013 01:18 PM Actions
6180 Bug Resolved Normal KNB theme: autocomplete truncates (...) before width is filled Lauren Walker 10/30/2013 10:01 AM Actions
6159 Bug Resolved Normal KNB theme has 0 margin for ldapweb.cgi activation Lauren Walker 10/25/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6611 Bug Resolved High Make sure #signup view works with Windows 7+Mozilla. Lauren Walker 04/07/2015 12:02 PM Actions
6667 Bug Closed Normal My Packages link uses incorrect query format Lauren Walker 02/24/2015 03:04 PM Actions
6206 Story Closed Normal Plot data packages on map layer Lauren Walker 11/15/2013 04:06 PM Actions
6197 Bug Closed Normal Provide more information during long spinners (DOI publishing) 11/15/2013 08:18 AM Actions
6076 Task Closed Normal Rearrange footer logos Lauren Walker 10/02/2013 02:29 PM Actions
6011 Feature Resolved Normal Redesign web-based registry using new look and feel 07/01/2013 04:00 PM Actions
6223 Feature Closed Normal Refactor Google Maps API key into index.html configuration 11/15/2013 10:22 AM Actions
6425 Bug Resolved Normal Registry modal help screen has badly-offset headers (similar to EML documentation) Lauren Walker 03/03/2014 07:10 AM Actions
6052 Task Closed Normal Release Metacat 2.1.1 with publishing bugs fixed ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 04:20 PM Actions
6059 Feature Closed Normal Remove sort by author until appropriate index field is available ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 04:17 PM Actions
6178 Bug Resolved Normal Reset filters option should show when additionalCriteria are included in the searchModel Lauren Walker 10/30/2013 09:57 AM Actions
6071 Bug Closed High Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header Lauren Walker 09/18/2013 09:20 AM Actions
6046 Bug Closed Normal Searching for "O'Connor" from main page results in error ben leinfelder 08/23/2013 03:57 PM Actions
6890 Bug Resolved Normal proxy not handling accounts Lauren Walker 12/08/2015 03:07 PM Actions
6041 Story Closed Normal Search UI enhancements ben leinfelder 11/14/2013 08:24 AM Actions
(26-50/63) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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