





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5981 Task Closed Normal About template and view Chris Jones 08/01/2013 04:32 PM Actions
6736 Task Resolved Normal Add a helper tooltip to explain groups Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6200 Task Closed Normal Add a marker to the map for each result item with spatial data ben leinfelder 11/15/2013 04:05 PM Actions
6452 Task Resolved Normal Add class to labels of donut arcs when user hovers over the arcs Lauren Walker 03/21/2014 10:50 AM Actions
6146 Task Closed Normal Add configurable 'filter' to select just data from that group 11/04/2015 01:57 PM Actions
6631 Task Resolved Normal Add downloads chart to the Stats View using the log agg Solr index Lauren Walker 11/24/2015 12:06 PM Actions
6527 Task Resolved Normal Add Fancybox to the MetacatUI Require.js config Lauren Walker 07/01/2014 02:27 PM Actions
6568 Task Resolved Normal Add info windows to markers and tiles Lauren Walker 09/12/2014 09:17 AM Actions
6659 Task Resolved Normal Add in ID filter Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6772 Task Resolved Normal Add "Jump to" and "Go to" input in navigation bar to jump to metadata page, given an ID Lauren Walker 06/18/2015 12:27 PM Actions
6685 Task Resolved Normal Add List Mode/Map Mode controls to the new map search design Lauren Walker 04/30/2015 09:16 AM Actions
6208 Task Resolved Normal Add map to default theme Lauren Walker 11/20/2013 02:44 PM Actions
6209 Task Resolved Normal Add map to KNB theme ben leinfelder 11/21/2013 02:18 PM Actions
6456 Task Rejected Normal Add more interactivity to the line chart Lauren Walker 05/07/2014 04:33 PM Actions
6871 Task Resolved Normal Add more labeling to the account search inputs on portal pages Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6717 Task Resolved Normal Add OpenURL COinS to the search result listing Lauren Walker 06/25/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6925 Task Resolved Normal Add pager to the group members list Lauren Walker 01/12/2016 03:14 PM Actions
6602 Task Resolved Normal Add provenance statements underneath entity thumnails & details in the Metadata View Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6348 Task Resolved Normal Address feedback from Carl Boettiger Lauren Walker 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6361 Task Resolved Normal Address feedback from Carly Strasser Lauren Walker 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6358 Task Resolved Normal Address feedback from Corinna Gries Lauren Walker 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6359 Task Resolved Normal Address feedback from Mark Servilla Lauren Walker 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6341 Task Resolved Normal Address metacatui feedback from Gastil-Buhl 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6331 Task Resolved Normal Address metacatui feedback from Mike Frenock Lauren Walker 01/08/2014 02:37 PM Actions
6547 Task Resolved Normal Add sample query and instructions for getting the view count of an object in the API overview page Lauren Walker 11/09/2015 07:46 PM Actions
6979 Task Resolved Normal Add Slaask chat widget Lauren Walker 03/15/2016 06:00 PM Actions
6985 Task Resolved Normal Add submenus to arctic theme and style the same as their WP Lauren Walker 03/21/2016 05:49 PM Actions
6739 Task Resolved Normal Add the capability to draw the DataCatalogView without the filters and map Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6438 Task Resolved Normal Add upload chart title with total upload counts for each formatType Lauren Walker 03/21/2014 10:50 AM Actions
6561 Task Resolved Normal Allow different map options for different themes Lauren Walker 09/11/2014 04:32 PM Actions
6733 Task Resolved Normal Allow users to create a new group Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6732 Task Resolved Normal Allow user to add or remove members of a group if they are the owner Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6450 Task Resolved Normal Always display the last point on the line Lauren Walker 03/21/2014 10:50 AM Actions
6934 Task Resolved Normal Apply partial COUNTER compliant filters, not full Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 12:13 PM Actions
6221 Task Rejected Normal Borrow spatial aggregation library from d1_dashboard Lauren Walker 11/15/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6765 Task Resolved Normal Bugs with zooming in and out on the Gmaps interface Lauren Walker 06/23/2015 11:58 AM Actions
6443 Task Resolved Normal Change colors of charts for default theme Lauren Walker 03/24/2014 05:58 PM Actions
6442 Task Resolved Normal Change colors of charts for GOA theme Lauren Walker 03/24/2014 05:56 PM Actions
6444 Task Resolved Normal Change colors of charts for SNAP theme Lauren Walker 03/24/2014 05:57 PM Actions
6930 Task Resolved Normal Change downloads chart to bar chart with log scale Lauren Walker 01/11/2016 12:57 PM Actions
6920 Task Resolved Normal Change format of "Contributor since.." in profile Lauren Walker 01/07/2016 11:08 AM Actions
6974 Task Resolved Normal Check auth token before Modify registry form is loaded Lauren Walker 03/14/2016 01:53 PM Actions
6747 Task Rejected Normal Check cross-browser visual consistency and functionality Lauren Walker 06/05/2015 09:10 AM Actions
6524 Task Resolved Normal Choose a JS lightbox library Lauren Walker 07/01/2014 02:27 PM Actions
6753 Task Resolved Normal Clearing filters not working Lauren Walker 05/19/2015 04:39 PM Actions
6673 Task Resolved Normal Collapse the prov chart after its height exceeds a certain amount Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6567 Task Resolved Normal Create a better scale for coloring of the tiles Lauren Walker 06/29/2015 09:45 AM Actions
6654 Task Resolved Normal Create a function in the SolrResult model that creates citation text Lauren Walker 11/04/2015 02:11 PM Actions
6725 Task Resolved Normal Create a mockup of the portal and get feedback Lauren Walker 12/17/2015 03:35 PM Actions
6432 Task Resolved Normal Create a Solr query to retrieve upload data Lauren Walker 03/21/2014 10:50 AM Actions
(1-50/226) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF