


Dan Higgins's activity

From 10/26/2004 to 11/24/2004


09:23 AM SEEK Bug #1734: ENM IIJ - Assemble Layer List into GARP *.dxl summary
The ASCtoRAW actor assembles a list of layers and writes a *.dxl file as output. Dan Higgins
09:22 AM SEEK Bug #1731: ENM IIE - Rescaling of layer grid information
The ASCtoRAW actor handles the scaling when it converts *.ASC file to a *.RAW
Dan Higgins


08:27 AM Kepler Bug #1766 (Resolved): Error with Ecogrid searches for JVM 1.4.2_05 and _06
There is an error which occurs on Windows and Macs running JVM 1.4.2_05 and _06.
Error message is shown below. It oc...
Dan Higgins


11:46 AM SEEK Bug #1746 (In Progress): ENM IIIG - Saving GARP Rulesets for Climate Variation Calcs
RuleSets that come from GARP calculations may need to be saved to the ECOGRID
for further use (e.g. climate change p...
Dan Higgins

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