


ben leinfelder's activity

From 11/12/2008 to 12/11/2008


02:36 PM Metacat Revision 4659 (metacat): add skin properties files so that first can be enabled as the default when configuring metacat in the admin interface.
note: not checking in the modifcation to file - that will remain a deployment-specific change and ... ben leinfelder
10:32 AM Metacat Revision 4653 (metacat): handle mixture of datapackages: some with demographic data, some without.
takes advantage of the [new] StaticSelectionItem feature in the datamanager ben leinfelder
10:31 AM Metacat Revision 4652 (metacat): readding DM library (again!)
ben leinfelder
10:30 AM Metacat Revision 4651 (metacat): why does SVN hate me?
ben leinfelder


05:21 PM Metacat Revision 4650 (metacat): include demographic data if present in the datapackage
TODO: handle a mixture of datapackages when performing the union (i.e. cases when one package as demographic data and... ben leinfelder


02:07 PM Metacat Revision 4636 (metacat): assessment title and type are now elements rather than attributes in edml ben leinfelder
09:26 AM Metacat Revision 4635 (metacat): revert changes - keep the options commented out.
the fix is in the utilities project. ben leinfelder


04:35 PM Metacat Revision 4633 (metacat): uncommented these <config> elements so that Metacat actually starts without error.
TODO: find out why they were in there commented out, and also make sure we can start metacat even if a skin has some ... ben leinfelder


08:08 AM Metacat Revision 4562 (metacat): added "generic" search term picklist ben leinfelder

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