


Jing Tao's activity

From 04/25/2011 to 05/24/2011


02:29 PM Kepler Bug #5403 (Resolved): Improve the performance of the workflow archiving data from dataturbine to metacat
Now the workflow iterates each sensor sequentially to archiving data. Probably we can parallel the process. Jing Tao
02:14 PM Kepler Bug #5401 (New): Workflow archiving dataturbine data to metacat should check the last archiving time through repository
Currently the workflow check the last archiving time through a local database.
If the workflow run on different mach...
Jing Tao
02:05 PM Kepler Bug #5400 (New): User can specify the interval of data chunk in the workflow archiving dataturbine data to metacat
In the current workflow, it chops the data from the last archiving time to latest data stamp if there is no metadata ... Jing Tao


05:23 PM Kepler Bug #5362: Create a GUI so user can easily archive a senosr's data from a dataturbine to a metacat
Move the "Cancel" button to the left side of the commit button. Jing Tao
05:16 PM Kepler Bug #5362: Create a GUI so user can easily archive a senosr's data from a dataturbine to a metacat
here is what i found online:
For Windows
Jing Tao
04:43 PM Metacat Bug #5395 (Rejected): Get unexpected result if a search was done before metacat finishes its indexing during the inserting process.
Hi, Scott:
I dug around this issue a while and found it out it was a search cache issue in Metacat. Did you do an ...
Jing Tao


04:40 PM Kepler Bug #5390: EML created by DataTurbineToMetacat workflow should have the spatial coverage
In SenorMLToEML class, the code to capture the spatial information was added. Then the information will be added to e... Jing Tao


03:29 PM Kepler Bug #5390 (Resolved): EML created by DataTurbineToMetacat workflow should have the spatial coverage
Current EML document generated by the worklfow only have the temporal coverage. We need to add spatial coverage as well. Jing Tao
01:11 PM Kepler Bug #5362: Create a GUI so user can easily archive a senosr's data from a dataturbine to a metacat
Hi, matt:
Derik, Dan and I talked about the issue couple times. We've had to drop the idea of a new Sensor actor con...
Jing Tao

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