



Bug #1114


Logging system needs to be upgraded

Added by Michael Lee over 21 years ago. Updated over 18 years ago.

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Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago

The logging system is really basic right now. I'd like to see timestamps added
and be able to somehow view a log that is filtered to just the more major events
or filter it by user. Also, it'd be nice to see which users were using each
process that was going on.

Actions #2

Updated by Gabriel Farrell over 21 years ago

Mark has already started work on this so reassigning

Actions #3

Updated by P. Anderson over 21 years ago

let me at 'em

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee about 21 years ago

This was said to have been completed in our last VegBank meeting, so I am
resolving this. Mark should overrule me if necessary.

Actions #5

Updated by P. Anderson about 21 years ago

Gabe added the log4j functionality which is much more powerful but also needs
additional tweaking. I'm reopening this bug.

Actions #6

Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 21 years ago

Log4j is in place now ( via commons logging ). There is much that can be done
to exploit it.

Right now we can send it prioritys of messages, format the messages and output
to a rolling log file if we want.

To trully exploit we will need the client code to send it own messages rather
than via our LogUtility wrapper. Then we can set different priority levels for
different components of vegbank which could be usefull.

Actions #7

Updated by P. Anderson almost 21 years ago

Enough of the code in ui.struts and common.utility has been transitioned to use
log4j instead of LogUtility that I am closing this bug again. Plus I am
continuing to change new files as I go since it doesn't hurt to use LogUtility
(it just doesn't help as much as using log4j).

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1114


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