



Bug #1140


Better delimit results of certification request so they are more readable

Added by Michael Lee over 21 years ago. Updated about 20 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


The certification request now gets emailed in this format:
VegBank Administrator: The following user has requested a certification change
with the following
details: Email: test Sur Name: test Given Name: test Phone Number: test Phone
Type: unknown Current Cert
Level: 1 Requested Cert Level: 2 Highest Degree: 0 Degree Year: Degree Isnt:
test Current Inst: test
Current Position: test ESA Memeber: no Prof. Experience: test Relevant Pubs:
test Veg Sampling Exp: test
Veg Analaysis Exp: test USNVC Exp: test VegBank Experience: test Intended VB
Use: test Plot DB/Tools
Exp: test nvcExpRegionA: US/CAN - NE nvcExpVegA: 1 nvcExpFloristicsA: 1
nvcExpNVCA: 1 esaSponsorNameA:
test esaSponsorEmailA: test esaSponsorNameB: test esaSponsorEmailB: test
nvcExpRegionB: --no other
regions-- nvcExpVegB: 1 nvcExpFloristicsB: 1 nvcExpNVCB: 1 nvcExpRegionC: --no
other regions--
nvcExpVegC: 1 nvcExpFloristicsC: 1 nvcExpNVCC: 1 peerReview: null
additionalStatements: test

It would be better to add a carriage return (or at least a consistent delimiter)
before each field label, ie:
VegBank Administrator: The following user has requested a certification change
with the following
Email: test
Sur Name: test
Given Name: test
Phone Number: test
Phone Type: unknown
Current Cert Level: 1
Requested Cert Level: 2
Highest Degree: 0
Degree Year:
Degree Isnt: test
Current Inst: test
Current Position: test
ESA Memeber: no
Prof. Experience: test
Relevant Pubs: test
Veg Sampling Exp: test

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago

Don F-L has noted that the end of the cert request is a bit tricky to read. It
currently looks like this:
nvcExpRegionA: US/CAN - NE

nvcExpVegA: 1
nvcExpFloristicsA: 1
nvcExpNVCA: 1
esaSponsorNameA: name1
esaSponsorEmailA: email1
esaSponsorNameB: name2
esaSponsorEmailB: email2
nvcExpRegionB: US/CAN - Midwest
nvcExpVegB: 1
nvcExpFloristicsB: 1
nvcExpNVCB: 1
nvcExpRegionC: US Alaska / N Canada
nvcExpVegC: 1
nvcExpFloristicsC: 1
nvcExpNVCC: 1

better it would be if the regions were together and it looked like this:
Self assessment of user's knowledge (1=weak, 5=strong)
Region 1: RegionName
Vegetation : 1
Floristics : 3
Region 2: Northwest US and SOUTHWEST Canada
Veg : 4

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago

Much progress was made on this bug. The request was sent to ,
which is great. The format looked good. I think the request was only blocked
because the from address was not part of the panel subscribed list. This could
be changed to "" or the real address that is used for the "from"
could be added to the listserv from the administrator page. (which overrides the
fact that the address may not be totally legit?)

Actions #3

Updated by P. Anderson about 21 years ago

The Certification feature has been much improved. * new look and feel * requires user to be logged in; auto-populates party info * has nice form validation * email notifications are more readable

Dear VegPanel Member:
Please review the following certification application.

Name:  Anderson, Mark 
Phone Number: n/a
Current Cert Level:  professional 
Requested Cert Level: certified
Highest Degree: BA/BS
Degree Year: 1999
Degree Inst: University of Colorado, Boulder
Current Organization: NCEAS
Current Position: Software Developer
ESA Member: NO
Prof. Experience:  Here's my pro work...
Relevant Pubs:  I wrote these things...
Veg Sampling Exp:  I have sampled vegetation from Bangkok to Boise...
Veg Analysis Exp:  I have analyzed vegetation from Bluegrass to Birch...
US-NVC Exp:  My experience with the US NVC is...
VegBank Experience:  VegBank has proven itself worthy of my time because I use
it every...
Intended VB Use:  Other than for personal edification, I intend to use VegBank
for all sorts of things including...
Plot DB/Tools Exp:  I've used them all and this one's the best.
Self assessment of knowledge (1=least, 5=most)
Region 1: Alaska / Northern Canada
Vegetation : 2
Floristics : 3
Region 2: California
Vegetation : 1
Floristics : 3
ESA Sponsor #1 
Name : Joe McCormanodic
ESA Sponsor #2
Name : Sandy Geschankleyschmidt
Peer review interest?:  YES
Additional statement:   Thanks for making such a wonderful certification form.
Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago

changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.

Actions #5

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1140


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