Bug #1979
closedThe packagetype in xml_relation table is eml200 namespace for eml 201 document
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When a eml201 document insert into metacat, metacat will create record in
xml-relation table if the eml201 document points to one or more data files.
The field "packagetype" in xml-relation table should be eml201 namespace for an
eml201 document. Howerver, the result turns out the "packagetype is eml200
namespace. They are not match.
Except fix the bug, we also need a script to correct existed records in
xml-relation table.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 20 years ago
Im Eml200SAXHandler class, use variable doctype rather than the hard code for
namespace when insert a record into xml_relation table. The doctype will be
eml200 namespace if it is eml200 doc and eml201 namespace if it is eml201 doc.