Bug #2457
openLink to list of certified users, renew embargo screens
in general, some pages are orphaned in the system and need to be linked to directly somehow.
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
renew embargo screen is linked through "MY Account"
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
Ceritifed user's registry is not viewable b/c there aren't enough users to make it worthwile to view:
We need to encourage some more people to request certification, or (better yet) certify those that are in our much-belated waitlist. (Log in as admin on vegbank to see them. But we should wait to certify them until we rebuilt the site and it works better and the emailing functions work on VegBank again.)
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
Would be nice to link to the plots that a certified user has submitted from the list. Need a more compact list, too. (summary where one user is one row).
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
Similar to bug 1956 (fuzzing and unfuzzing plots), we have to do the same thing for embargoes, but based on a set of plots, not just one at a time.