Bug #2536
closedXML download files must validate
dateTime format was fixed, but nulls still throw it for a loop- the field should either be omitted, or we could redefine our schema to allow either nulls or xs:DateTime (I could do the latter)
The UTF-8 encoding must be adhered to. In the worst case scenario,
<plantName.plantName>Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ssp. asplenioides (Michx.) Hultén</plantName.plantName>
got rendered as:
<plantName.plantName>Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ssp. asplenioides (Michx.) Hult?/plantName.plantName>
in the XML (with the ? being an unprintable character). This wiped out hte closing tag for plantName.plantName and made the file not valid
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
To test download of weird characters, delete the xml for an observation on aldo:
delete from dba_xmlCache where accessionCode='VB.ob.26871.APAL58';
then download that plot (APAL.58)
Updated by Chad Berkley over 18 years ago
the error was in the ZipUtility class. it was erroneously writing an int to the zipoutputstream which should have been a byte, but instead was getting a char. this caused any double-byte chars to get truncated. it's now fixed.