Bug #2775
closedDataManager cuts last row off data_table
Had a problem putting this data into a database:
It looks like the last row,
(2006-02-01,3,10,"test fixtures are fun")
is getting cut off.
I haven't tested a dataset without a header file. I suspect either the header is being counted against it in a loop or there is a < where a <= would be more appropriate.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
in the course of testing the datetime support for the datamanager, I came across the code that is causing this.
the last line in the data file is terminated with EOF rather than the recordDelimiter and so it is not being returned as a record (the record delimiter was never found in that last line....).
i switched around the method used for reading the data characters so that it is more natural to return the last record as a record even when there is only the EOF terminating that record.
this is in the org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.database.DelimitedReader class
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
tested with chad's dataset and it works.