Bug #2796
closedESA registry gets locked into searching KNB
The ESA registry webpage gets stuck into always searching the KNB for queries after an initial search across the entire KNB. To reproduce this bug:
1) select "search ALL of KNB" and enter a search term
2) look at those results
3) use the back button on the browser
4) then select "search only ESA"
At this point, even though the controls say only to search within ESA, the search query gets sent to knb.ecoinformatics.org, rather than the ESA metacat
Updated by ben leinfelder about 16 years ago
definitely still a problem - doesn't look that hard to fix...perhaps an "else" when the search all of KNB radio is not selected would be just the thing...
Updated by ben leinfelder about 16 years ago
checked change (esa/index.jsp) into (new subversion repo!) to set the form action correctly depending on the checked status of the "search KNB" radio button.