Bug #2807
closedData Set Upload for SAEON
Create a web interface to upload data sets and metadata files for Kruger NP.
Includes login, and inserting new documents into metacat.
Updated by Chris Barteau almost 18 years ago
Updated by Chris Barteau almost 18 years ago
I'm sticking as closely as possible to prior work (as in KNB, NCEAS, Dev skins), but the existing forms are focused on entering/creating an eml file online and sending it thru register-dataset.cgi, which also does a login, validation of eml, new Doc Id, etc.
There is new work involved because:
*FGDC, not EML
*Login once, in a non-modal manner.
*The metadata file is pre-existing (just upload, not create).
I'm using the JSP API, with most new functionality being put into MetacatClient.java
Updated by Chris Barteau over 17 years ago
Create the sanparks skin (for Kruger NP and others).
Includes views SaeonLogin.jspx, SaeonUpload.jspx, and fgdc_1.xsl.
New package "edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview" was created to contain new class for the added functionality.
Client functions include:
- Login/Logout
- Search/Browse
- FGDC metadata support
- Upload of packages
- Update of files
- Delete files and packages
- Access control (to public) editing
- Download of files (original filenames) and packages (zip)
Chris B.