



Bug #2848


(migration) Ensure unique plot names b/t EEP and CVS plots

Added by Michael Lee over 17 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Target version:
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The naming of projects is independent between CVS and EEP, that is EEP project numbers could collide with CVS.

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

The other solution to this is to map projects onto project and then plots onto plots within the same project. Still, it would be nice to have plots with unique names within our database.

There are a few options:
1) Prefix EEP plots with E and CVS plots with C
1a) Prefix one set of plots only (EEP or CVS)
2) Suffix EEP plots with (E) and CVS plots with (C)
2a) Suffix one set of plots only (EEP or CVS)
3) edit team for EEP plots to start with E (EEP rarely uses team anyway) and block CVS plots from having a team starting with E.
4) coming up with a system to coordinate assigning of EEP project numbers and CVS project number so that they don't overlap. This might be ideal for the database, but might be most difficult organizationally.
5) Allow plots to have the same name, but projects would be different, and project would be categorized as either EEP or CVS.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

I think solution 2a) is by far the simplest, which is to add a prefix to projects for one of CVS or EEP. CVS only uses numeric values, whereas EEP uses lots of different codes. Thus, it would be easiest to add an "E" to all EEP projects, guaranteeing that they will be unique within their set of numbers, but also with CVS, which will never start with an E.

The entry tool and archive database will need a new field: project.projectCodeSource which will be text field, length 3, with the default value of EEP. When this value is EEP (or not CVS) then the migration tool will update any authorPlotCode and authorObsCode to E(authorPlot/ObsCode). This will ensure matching during migration and also uniqueness in the archive database.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

entry tool has the new field in project: version CVS_EEP_DataEntryTool_v222p0121_post

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

archive database updated, version:

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

done in migration tool, too:

Still needs more thorough test and integration into entry tool interface

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

now in entry tool interface (CVS_EEP_DataEntryTool_v222p0121_mid2)

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago

this now works fine, entry tool, migration, and archive DB (See versions mentioned in an earlier comment today).

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2848


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