Bug #3341
closedAdd common options to ExternalFileAssignment
Have radio buttons at the top that say:
All questions for each student are in the same file - if this is selected, then we don't need the question list.
All data types are in the same file - if this is selected, then we don't need the data type list
All students and questions are in the same file. This should be the default option if there is only one external file selected. If chosen, then all
students and questions are selected by default (or the lists aren't shown).
Do we ask them which types of data they have external files for, or do we just let them select them from the list of data they've suggested? I don't know ...
Updated by Ryan McFall over 16 years ago
Much progress has been made on this. It's in a usable state for the advisory committee meeting. There are hooks in place for error checking (like filenames don't match up with student IDs), but these are not yet implemented.
Updated by Ryan McFall over 16 years ago
This has been completed by adding some dialogs in that walk user through some questions to make the process simpler.