Bug #3512
closedExpand keyword tagging beyond NBII lookup
Keyword editing interface should be more generic and support disparate vocabularies from different sources:
-NBII webservice
-picklist from properties file (Bloom's taxonomy)
-other TBD thesaurii
User should first select a vocabulary to use, then be presented with the appropriate interface (picklist for simple vocab vs a more detailed narrow/broad/related interface like the one currently in place for the NBII lookup.
Incorporating this into the Morpho base - not just for FIRST - earns extra points!
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
first pass:
-questions and assessments now support arbitrary vocabularies (free form) as well as the NBII lookup.
still to do: incorporate other defined vocabularies in a general form...
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
Need to rework the UI. In addition to thinking about it critically and in the light of "a bigger picture", some specific things to improve are:
-Morpho-like keywordset screen that
-Keywordset editing screen has vocabulary selector at the top of the screen
-keywordset editing [re]uses screen real estate depending on the vocabulary selected
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
re-worked this area of the UI. it still uses a new window for selecting terms from the vocabulary - but hopefully its easier and faster to use.
additionally, i've added some bloom's terms that are specified in a property file. there's a bit more to do in terms of making it more generic (for future vocab lists)
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
-built Generic Vocabulary term selection page into Morpho (simple lists of terms as given in a VDEX XML document)
-added a new Morpho plugin (VocabularyPlugin) for managing constrained vocabularies (and UIs) as specified in the config.xml file.
for simple lists, the GenericVocabularyPage can be used as the UI for selecting terms (i.e Bloom). For more complex thesaurii, a custom UI page can be specified in the config file (i.e. NBII).