Bug #3654
closedMetacat failed to detect a db with version 1.8
I tried to install a new metacat with a imported postgresql db. The db file came from kepler db in knb machine. The file location is /var/lib/pgsql/backups/kepler_backup_11122008 in knb machine.
After importing it to my local db, i checked the structure of xml_nodes table:
kepler=# \d xml_nodes;
Table "public.xml_nodes"
Column | Type | Modifiers
nodeid | bigint | not null default nextval(('xml_nodes_id_seq'::text)::regclass)
nodeindex | bigint |
nodetype | character varying(20) |
nodename | character varying(250) |
nodeprefix | character varying(50) |
parentnodeid | bigint |
rootnodeid | bigint |
docid | character varying(250) |
date_created | date |
date_updated | date |
nodedatanumerical | double precision |
nodedata | text |
"xml_nodes_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (nodeid)
"xml_nodes_idx1" btree (rootnodeid)
"xml_nodes_idx2" btree (parentnodeid)
"xml_nodes_idx3" btree (nodename)
"xml_nodes_idx4" btree (docid)
Foreign-key constraints:
"xml_nodes_parent_fk" FOREIGN KEY (parentnodeid) REFERENCES xml_nodes(nodeid)
"xml_nodes_root_fk" FOREIGN KEY (rootnodeid) REFERENCES xml_nodes(nodeid)
However, during the metacat installation, Metacat think the db is 1.6:
Database Install/Upgrade Utility
The system has detected the following database version: 1.6.0
If i run the scripts and I will get an error:
Admin problem while handling request: SQL error when running upgrade scripts: ERROR: relation "xml_documents_idx2" already exists [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.admin.MetaCatAdminServlet]
Updated by Michael Daigle about 16 years ago
Changed DBAdmin to look at upper cases tablename for oracle metadata and lower case table for postgres metadata