Bug #3866
openUndo does not work on question type change action
when undo button is clicked, it's not actually doing the right job. it does not go back to previous stage but some point, and it messed up somehow.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
I don't believe the undo button can undo everything - mostly just typing actions (and perhaps those are even character by character?)
What were you trying to "undo"?
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
from jay:
Yes. I figured that out. Most of time it works fine with typing steps. What
I was having problem was that if I undo when I change to "multiple choice"
to "Short answer" or vice versa, then clicking undo button somehow remove
question text.
Updated by Ryan McFall over 15 years ago
Sandeep, this would be good to look at.
Updated by Sandeep Namilikonda over 15 years ago
In reply to comment 2:
Undo/Redo buttons or equivalent Edit menu items are not activated when a
question's type is changed. But, when the question type is manually
changed from one type (say multiple choice) to another (say True/False)
and back, I did not find any text missing, either from the prompt or
from the choices.
I do not know if we decided to have "undo" functionality for even
question type changes. My opinion is that such a functionality can be
added at post-prototype stage, if we deem it necessary.
Please comment.