Bug #3914
closedTrying to add a category/keyword from Bloom thesarus results in error
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When I try to associate a keyword to an assessment item or the assessment itself, the morpho interface generates the following error.
Error message reads: "Parser config file threw:"
Is this a known issue? Is this something specific to my config.xml file?
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
this is working for me.
you may be missing the bloom thesaurus xml file.
is there a more detailed stacktrace given in the console output?
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
This was a bug that we encountered in Morpho, as well.
Jing fixed it. Apparently it only shows up in Windows systems because of back vs. forward slashes being used for looking up the vocab from the library.
I've gotten the morpho fix, and updated the jar we're using in the first distribution.