Bug #4356
closedknb website query result shows old version of a document
Oliver Soong wrote:
I dropped a note about this on IRC, and Matt suggested you two might
be the ones to hear about it. �If I search on KNB for Kruger, I can
turn up judithk.40.35, but if I adjust the URL to ask for
docid=judithk.40, I get judithk.40.40. �The package was just recently
replicated, so that may be part of the issue, but at the moment,
things seem to be out of sync. �I don't know if this is expected
(search index is slightly out of date?) or whether this represents a
more serious issue.Oliver
Hi, Mike:
I think i found the problem. I queried the xml_queryresult table by "select * from xml_queryresult where docid like 'judithk.40';" and get something
judithk.40 |
9-05-29</updatedate><param name="dataset/title">Kruger National Park ecological aerial survey data (1998-2007)</param><param
name="creator/individualName/surName">Kruger</param><param name="creator/organizationName">SANParks</param><param name="keyword">Ungulate
population</param><param name="keyword">Aerial survey</param><param name="keyword">Distance methodology</param><param name="keyword">SANParks, South
Africa</param><param name="keyword">Kruger National Park, South Africa</param><param name="keyword">Kruger National Park</param>
You see, the judithk.40.35 is stored in the xml_queryresult table. I think there was a mechanism to delete the cached item when a document was updated.
It seems this mechanism was broken.
It was possible to delete some records in xml_queryresult table. But I am not sure if metacat still works this way. If this is the case, we can delete
the records for judithk.40 then i think the search will work.
I will file a bug report for this issue.
Updated by Michael Daigle about 15 years ago
We need to add code to retry (queue) the query result addition when it fails. differing this to 1.9.3
Updated by Jing Tao about 13 years ago
I used a morpho to create a eml document and insert it to metacat. Then i did a search and records was added to xml_queryresult table.
I updated the document in metacat by morpho. After i did that, i checked the xml_queryresult table. The records of the old document were deleted. I did a search again. The result showed the new version of the document.
So i couldn't reproduce this bug.
I will do test by replication as well.
Updated by Jing Tao about 13 years ago
Ben and I tested the updating and query on both forced replication and timed replication between two metacats. We couldn't reproduce the bug.
So i am going to close the bug.