Bug #4387
closedQuery search, based on item-level metadata fails!
It does not appear that queries are searching item-level meta data.
For a test case created by Jay to test retrieval of assessments based on item level meta data (jlee.2758.*), with Bloom meta data associated with each item
when it was uploaded. The downloaded package actually shows all the meta data.
But, when we query for Bloom meta data (e.g., Evaluation) the server returns
"0 items found" when the item with qid jlee.2764_1 clearly has that meta data
Then, Jay associated a keyword "Comprehension" to the assessment itself and
uploaded the revised package. Now, when we perform a query with search string
"Comprehension" under Keyword field, the relevant document was retrieved showing
that the server was only searching assessment level meta data.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago
It was my understanding that item-level metadata searching was dropped from the prototype specs months ago.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago
we are going to implement item-level search now.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago
i've added an additional call to search the Items. For those items that match the search criteria, we find the assessments that include those items.
will close when deployed to Fred
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago
the UI now matches the implemented functionality. still not on fred.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago
deployed to fred.msi.ucsb.edu server for verification by the team