Bug #4824
closedOntology Browser - double click does not always select and close the popup
I've intermittently found that double clicking the tree does not actually close the popup - instead it behaves like the default tree would and expands (toggles) the children.
Adding the listener to the TreeTable object might be the first solution. Also, it's a little tricky to add the listener to the tree since they don't really exist until the popup object is shown. I'll see if there's beefing up in there to be done.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
This seems to be happening when I type in the text field to initiate a search
Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
...because the tree is recreated during the search (typing in the text field), the double click listener was lost.
It's back now!
Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
while working on this, I noticed that if you tab between windows (cmd+tab on Mac) you'd trigger the pop up to be shown, and even inadvertently select a class from the popup before returning to the Morpho window. this is not happening anymore.