Bug #5491
openWrap up the TPC workflows and upload the kar file to SANPARKS metacat
Currently, only tpc01-buffalo-tb and tpc09-plant-dynamics are in good shape. I will try my best to complete the other workflows as possible as I can.
Updated by Jing Tao over 13 years ago
i hacked the tpc02-water-flow-base.kar and tpc02-water-flow-high-dev.kar so that they can be opened by kepler-2.1.0. Then I saved them as kar-version 2.1 files. Now they can be opened by both trunk and kepler-reporting 2.3. Also they can run successfully and generate reports.
Now I have an issue to update the eml files in tpc02-water-flow-high-dev.kar file. I guess the reason why it is called "dev" is that it has two eml files which stay in dev.nceas.ucsb.edu: judithk.895.2 and judithk.895.4.
In tpc02-water-flow-base.kar, i found there is a file on KNB and its id is judithk.895.2.
I compared judithk.895.2 on knb and judithk.895.2 on dev roughly, they look the same to me.
However, there is no judithk.895.4 on the knb. I also compared judithk.895.4 on dev and judithk.895.2 on knb, at least the data tables are same.
So I am wondering if i can use judithk.895.2 on knb to replace both judithk.895.2 and judithk.895.4 on dev in the tpc02-water-flow-high-dev.kar file.
Updated by Jing Tao over 13 years ago
Here are the updates:
1. Remove the browser actors from tpc01-buffalo-tb workflow.
2. Use the data on knb to replace the data on dev in tpc02-water-flow-high.kar
3. On the report, tpc02-water-flow will display image files rather than file paths.