Bug #5604
closedQuestion how to add EPSG 900913 for Google layers and how list results within a bounding-box
Dear Metacat developer team,
I would like to ask you 2 questions:
I am trying to use Google maps as background layer for the metacat
data points, but obviously the bundled Geoserver that comes with
Metacat does not know the Google projection. Could you tell me if
there is a quick way to update the Geoserver with
EPSG:900913 ?
Is there a way to get catalog results back by clicking in the bounding
boxes (metacat_bounds)? It works for the data points but how could you
make use of the bounding box layer?
Thank you very much for any feedback.
Best regards from Frankfurt (Germany),
Eva-Maria Gerstner
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
Hi Eva-Maria,
With Metacat 2.0.0 (which is still in a pre-release state) you'll be able to use the OpenLayers client to pull in background maps for the spatial display.
I'm not exactly sure what Google layers are offered, but I'm sure there are many.
You could then add that to the custom Metacat skin that shows the spatial query UI.
Something like:
var gmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google Streets", {visibility: true});
and then add that "gmap" layer to the same map that contains the Metacat bounds and datapoints.
As for the behavior of the actual query, we require that you draw a query box that fully encloses the bounding boxes of data sets. Otherwise we found that datasets with global spatial coverage were included in every single spatial query resultset and that's not really what the intent is.
And in reality, when you "click" for a datapoint query, we really just draw a small bounding box around the point you clicked and use that as a bounding box query. Make sense?
Thanks for your interest in Metacat and look for the soon to be release v2.0.0 that will support OpenLayers.