


Project Team Meetings » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Corinna Gries, 06/13/2013 07:11 AM) → Revision 3/31 (Corinna Gries, 06/13/2013 07:12 AM)

h1. Project Team Meetings 

 h2. 6/13/2013 

 Scott - report from the Science Council meeting re. datasets 
 Matt - intro to project management system and start of tracking Community Change indices 
 Corinna - start list of participants for first workshop at NCEAS 

 h2. 5/2/2013 

 Matt, Syd, Corinna 

 Today we filled Syd in a bit on her role in the project and talked some more about the first workshop in spring 2014. 

 Action items: 
 Corinna - doodle for the community workshop in February/March and set date 
 Syd - download and explore Kepler 
 Scott and Syd - start list of community change metrics that we want to encode 
 Matt - hire programmer 

 Next project team meeting: 6/13/2013 1 pm MDT