



From 11/20/2009 to 12/19/2009


09:32 PM Bug #4585: Parser fails to launch from within Morpho!
there was a NPE when trying to clear a non-existent temporary save directory that was part of the parsing process. i ... ben leinfelder
05:44 PM Bug #4585: Parser fails to launch from within Morpho!
An attempt to create a new data package result in the following error message
and the parser not being launched!
Sandeep Namilikonda
05:39 PM Bug #4585 (Resolved): Parser fails to launch from within Morpho!
Using the latest Morpho build, when creating a new package or re-visiting an
existing assessment, the parser compone...
Sandeep Namilikonda


10:18 AM Bug #4435: The "Assign" button is de-activated if both response and score are seleceted when the student response data in PDF file is imported
This was fixed by selecting all data types in the (invisible) data type selection box when "one file per student" or ... Ryan McFall

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