From 02/23/2002 to 03/24/2002
- 05:10 PM Revision 974 (metacat): This is sample JUnit test file for MetacatURL class. In this file, getProtocol, toString and getParam methods are tested.
- 04:58 PM Revision 973 (metacat): This script file can run serials queries and print out the running time.
- 04:56 PM Revision 972 (metacat): In order to test query performance. We need add lots of documents to database. This script file can add couple documents to database by for loop.
- 04:40 PM Revision 971 (metacat): Add a target - test in the file. Now user can type "ant test" to run the test class extends from JUnit.
- 02:14 PM Revision 966 (metacat): In hasPermission method, a rule for access document is implements. If user want to write a access document, it should hhave "all" permission.
- The permission for access document now is looking up in xml_access table directly, rather get same permission to data...
- 06:30 PM Revision 965 (metacat): In order to increase data file docid, method registerDocument was revised. Now it not only insert a new data file record to xml_documents table, but also can update the data file documents. Moreover, it can archieve the old version to xml_revisions table. Two other private methods were added to handl these futures: deleteXMLDocuments and getLatestRevisionNumber.
- 04:17 PM Revision 963 (metacat): fixed my tagging error
- 03:58 PM Revision 962 (metacat): some small changes I had to make to get the QAENGINE demo to work right. this should be committing in a branch
- 09:00 AM Revision 961 (metacat): We decided that the permission for a user to an access documents is as same as to the data set document(which contains the access document). In order to do this, we need to look-up xml-relation table. If we could find the data set document id, just check the id. If we couldn't find one, we need check if the user is owner. If it is, has permission. Otherwise, doesn't have.
- 01:14 PM Revision 959 (metacat): Add a new method getDataSetId to the class. The permission policy for access documents is: the user will have the same permission as data set file. (There is no entry in xml_access table for access document.
- 01:11 PM Revision 958 (metacat): Add a throwing exception in hasPermission and hasReadPermission methods.
- 01:09 PM Revision 957 (metacat): Add a throwing exception in haspermission method.
- 11:38 AM Revision 956 (metacat): A constructor for this class was added. In the new constructor, user can specify the revision number he want to update. In method writeDocumentToDB, when a update action happend, the rev number would not automatictlly to add one, but it can go to specified number. This is for bug 417.
- 11:33 AM Revision 955 (metacat): A constructor was added to this class. In this constructor, user can specify the revision number he want to update. And the number can be passed into a DocumentImpl object constructor in startElement method. But the number should be greater than current number in database.
- 11:28 AM Revision 954 (metacat): A method named getLastRevisionNumber was added. And condition for checking accession number was revised too. Now metacat wouldn't refuse a revsion number which is 2 or more greater than current revision number in the database. This is for bug 417.
- 09:19 AM Revision 953 (metacat): Access document was added to exported data package too.
- 02:02 PM Revision 950 (metacat): In method transformXMLDocument, if no style sheet registered was found for the input document, the document will be send back, rather than use util.DebugMessge to print.
- 01:55 PM Revision 949 (metacat): Only delete some incorrect comment.
- 01:53 PM Revision 948 (metacat): When user request a data package, the old version documents would be exported. Only export the request one.
- During the export function. Every document will be check if the user has the permission to read or not.
- 08:37 AM Revision 947 (metacat): The feature of check permission before Metacat handle a "read" action. If user doesn't have permission, its request will be rejected.
- After creating a DocumentImpl object. A method named hasReadPermission in that class will be called to make sure the ...
- 08:30 AM Revision 946 (metacat): A method named hasReadPermission was added. The method will check if a user has permission toread a xml document.
- 08:23 AM Revision 945 (metacat): A new method named hasPermissionToExportPackage was added. So when MetaCat handle export action, it will check if user has permission to read the data package. If it has, MetaCat will export a zip output stream to it. Otherwise, MetaCat will be through a exception.
- 08:18 AM Revision 944 (metacat): Code to handle "read" permission was changed in hasPermission method. The old code used old way to look up the public_access field in xml_documents table.
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